For Intelligent Masochists

Jul 28, 2008 00:59

For those of you who were smart enough to skip the play but morbidly curious enough to want to know what went down, here's a breif run down:

Going by the costumes they were wearing, Aida, Pip, Hamlet, Charity from the first scene of Sweet Charity, and two of those guys from the Church of Jazz or whatever it was, are all part of a "vampire coven." The idea of a vampire coven has been romanticised in literature, but all it does is make you slayer-bait, so a bat with a brain won't be affliated. Obviously, most of our thespians do not.

Aida, for reasons unspecified, was struck with amnesia. Pip, Hamlet, Charity and Jazz 1 and Jazz 2 decide that its better for her that she not know she's a vampire, so they try to pretend to be human for her sake. Acting like humans causes them all to revert to the shallow, one-demensional and poorly written, yet tragic! people they presumably were before being turned. Pip's an alcoholic. Hamlet has daddy issues (the irony was lost on the guy who played him. Crack open Shakespeare sometime, Daniel.) Charity's a total whore. Jazz 1 is sort of forgotten about halfway through the first act and Jazz 2 forgot his lines.

Aida, not being completely stupid, realises that something is up. She realises she's a bat, they all have a good laugh and everything returns to normal.

And if this synopsis wasn't enough for you, we filmed it with one of the school's camcorders--I was the cameraman. Don't question why I zoomed in on the stage floorboards so much, for all our sakes--and will probably try to sell it.

Bravo, guys.
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