Apr 02, 2004 01:01
I hate Unions. The concept was necessary before employees had rights. Now, they just get in the way. Hmm.. let's see. Let's let the unionized workers get paid more to do less work AND give them all the juicy contracts... then let's give them the right to demand even MORE money because they're all convinced that they have the right to be provided for.
NEWS FLASH: Unions discourage competition and, by doing so, encourage socialism. This country was intended to support a free-market economy, meaning anyone can go start a business anywhere... if this country wasn't so stuck on their goddamned job mentalities. Land of the free. Land of opportunity. Great opportunity - let's make our life ambitions to go work for someone else, where they will really only keep us arouind as long as we're profitable to the company because, when it comes down to it, the owner or boss is gonna look out for his own behind before he looks out for yours. The whole idea of a free-market economy is this: everyone does their own thing, and everyone is responsible for their own well-being AND that of their family and neighbors... if your neighbor's business just failed, give the guy some food until he's back on his feet. But don't let him think that he can just stop working and rely on you for food. As the Chambawamba song goes: "I get knocked down, but I get up again, because nothing's gonna keep me down." But people in this country have decided that "I get knocked down, I'm gonna whine a lot, because I'm too lazy to go try again."
Just because the way the world works now, the get-a-good-education-so-you-can-get-a-good-job rule, still works to a point now, don't think things aren't changing. Stop believing everything school taught you and start looking at things for yourselves.
Anyway, there's my rant.