the world is fucked

Aug 04, 2009 01:20

seriously, it is. i spent a few hours talking with my uncle and aunt today about the state of things, how america is comunist and how there's nothing we can do about it. it keeps getting worse, and fema has 800 concentration camps in the country fully staffed and ready to go. all kinds of things, highways have 20 foot walls on each side to keep people in if they need to. every phone in the country is tapped. they can hear inside a house from the street, they can see inside your house with heat vision. back in the 70's they had satelites in real time that could spot a silver dollar on the lawn, and that was 40 years ago, imagine what all they can do now. they built the hubble telescope for space research, but its pointed at the earth most of the time instead of out at stars and stuff. they just sent a team of astronauts to revamp the damn thing. as far as the crashing auto industry goes, they are shutting down successful republican owned dealerships and giving the cars to failing ones run by democrats. aparently political parties matter more than i ever thought. i just dont see how we're letting them get away with all of this. the new health care reform bill is loaded with things that should never be signed into law but probably will, read the damn thing, you'll be pissed! the media is controlled by 5 people, and 8 people run the whole world. in times of trouble, people hide underground, so go dig a comfortable hole and stock it with 3 years worth of food and water. look up recipes for kudzu. they'll have people patrolling the national forests so you can forget forraging. shit is about to go down, get ready. grow your own food. buy a gun, stock up on ammo. there is a countrywide ammo shortage, and i think the govt has something to do with it. the people are buying guns now, because they're scared, so they cut off our ammo, the govt is scared too. did i already say, 800 concentration camps in this country, disguised as amtrack stations and big fields, but the barbed wire fences are pointing in, these are not designed to keep people out, they're to keep you in. go to youtube, and look up a video on these concentration camps. i'm scared. dont get too close to any political faction. i'll try to fix this, but it'll be hard. all the elections are rigged, and obama didn't even win the vote so they say. he isn't even a citizen, he was born in kenya, raised somewhere else that wasn't here. there are 14,000 cuban spies in dade county florida alone, and those are just the ones they know about. i believe there is a standing radical muslim army ready to go should shit go down. and who knows how many other cultures have people ready to move. shit's about to go down, learn how to ration food and water, learn how to hide. a daffodil bulb will kill you if you eat it, that's how spartans would commit suicide when captured. kudzu is eatible, as are violets and a whole lot of other things. potatoes are easy to grow, and produce lots of food. move underground, at least dig a safe tunnel under your house to hide if you have to. goodnight, stay safe, get involved.
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