Icon meme

Mar 30, 2008 22:21

1. Reply to this post, and I will pick 5 of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.


  IT'S THE MONSTER!!!  I took this picture of Hershey a few weeks after I got her. She was my first LJ icon.

  Please don't brick me!!! For some odd reason both
the_suit_case and I hated, HATED Kanjani∞ for the longest time. It's wasn't till after someone forced us to watch the Zukkoke Otokomichi PV that we realized we were stupid and that Kanjani∞ are unbelievably awesome. I love how they picked on poor Yasu in the PV. So when I saw this icon I just knew I had to have it.

  IT'S TEPPEI!!! I love Koike Teppei! Plus I love his shirt. I don't think I have ever used this icon.

the_suit_case is a freak. Yes, she is my room mate/best friend, but she really is a freak. She wants to adopt Tegoshi Yuya, and go to the park with him so she can feed him cookies and fly kites with him. I would like to point out that he is not even two years younger than her. She says he is twelve! She is a freak! Oh 
the_suit_case how I <# thee!

  I AM DRACO'S #1 FAN!!! sunc is the world's best imaginary girl band ever!!! They are the best!!! I even started a LJ community for them. Check it out, yo!!!
suncforever I so want a crossover fanfic about Luna's affair with Teppei, while she was dating XYZ.

sunc, the monster, ln being a dork, meme

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