I keep coming up with things that I want to post about, but just get to damn lazy to post . So now that I'm bored I'll finally post some of them. I'll be kind and use a LJ cut.
HAPPY BELATED NEW YEAR!!! I have been busy with a lot of my friends down for the holidays. My evil friends made me party on New Years, and either I had one too many margaritas or I have grown to actually like the taste of cheap champagne. Also
no_one_perfect4 made a spontaneous visit. We had so much fun!!! I saw Sweeney Todd with her again, and was able to stop picturing Shirota Yuu in it the whole time! Go me!!! Now it is back to work, but they finally told the BWMNBN that she was fired on Friday. OH HAPPY DAY!!! I have the sudden urge to watch My Boss, My Hero now.
MASSU, KOYAMA, AND YAMAPI MADE ME GET A SPEEDING TICKET!!! I fully blame them for having such a damn catchy song as Nantoka Naru sa! I was bopping away and singing at the top of my lungs when this motorcycle cop started flashing his lights at me. I was doing 51 in a 40 zone. He asked me why I was speeding...I didn't want to be like "Well see officer, there is this Japanese boy band named NewS...yes sir NewS...and they have this album called Pacific...yes like the ocean...and they have these really hot members that sing these really adorably stupid songs that make you want to either dance or cry and well, while coming down this here road I was listening to one that made me want to dance...I don't know the name of the song sir, it's in Japanese...want me to play it sir...oh OK I understand your busy...but sir I shouldn't be the one getting the ticket...give it to Yamapi, he's their leader...let me spell it for you Y.A.M.A.S.H.I.T.A. T.O.M.O.H.I.S.A. Yamapi is his nickname...just send it to Johnny's Entertainment in Tokyo, Japan, he'll get it...why do you want to arrest me officer?" I didn't think it would turn out good, so instead I cried and took my ticket like a big girl.
I have always known Jin was unbelievably hot. That in my book is a given. But after my panicked phone call from
the_suit_case begging me to talk some sense into her, for now thinking that Yoko is attractive, I have come to the conclusion that the Yukan Club has ruined me. My being tainted started even before it was aired. When Junno died his hair blond I started watching him more closely and noticing that if he doesn't talk he is kinda hot. And even when I got over my shock of OMT-JUNNO'S-HAIR-ISN'T-YELLOW-ANYMORE! I noticed he still looked really good. THEN we have Yokoyama Yuu...WTF YOKO...Yoko who was my second to last favorite Kanjani∞ member!!! His mer presence used to annoy the hell out of me! Now...NOW HE IS FREAKING HOT...WHY?!?!?!?! I am hoping it is just a Seishiro thing, cause I do love that character and it would be perfectly normal for me to like the actor if he played it right., which he did. But YOKO!?!?!?!?!? Some one help me!!! Give me Yamapi!!! Give me Shige!!! HELL Give me vicodin!!! Something please?!?!?!?!?!?!
OK so I finally got around to watching the Shounen Club Christmas special. I have very mixed feelings about Tackey's new group Butoukan. First of all I only recognized three of them and only knew two of their names. Those two being Senga Kento and Tsukada Ryoichi. I like how Senga is branching out from kiss-my-ft2. His smile reminds me of Shige's and we all know how much I love Shige's "fake" smile. But Tsukada kinda breaks my heart. What if Butoukan gets big and he leaves ABC? ABC is my all time favorite Juniors group!!! Maybe I am panicking for no reason...*tries to breath*...this just comes to close to Taiyo leaving...which I for some reason blame fully on Yaotome Hikaru...not on Hey!Say!JUMP. I love Chinen. I want to give him a hug and feed him a cookie. And then the leader guy...I think his name is Yara T-something...he reminds me of one of the SuJu guys...sorry I still don't remember their names, hell half the time I can't even remember my own name...only this Yara guy isn't as pretty as the SuJu guy.
Oh and I was just messing around online and saw a review for Shige's 2006 special
Kakure Karakuri. Now I will admit that it took
the_suit_case and I three tries to watch this. It was kinda boring and made us fall asleep. But Shige, being well Shige, is incredibly hot. If you have never seen this make sure you are wide awake and watch it. It also stars Hiraoka Yuto, whom I also love very much. It was produced by Coca Cola to celebrate their anniversary, so lots of in your face advertising. Here are some screen caps I borrowed from
A Saffron Star.
And because Shige is so a;hwrgthwaqeihuehwquighjuhgearuighquih hot.
I am sure there is more for me to flail about, but I can't remember what. So bye for now.