This is the first Saturday I have spent at home in a VERY long time. It's wonderful and somewhat lonely all at once. Have I become a person that needs a lot of human interaction? Well, I was at work all day, I guess I got plenty :D Nonetheless, I'm feeling quite lonely. :[ I miss my ex. I miss who he was with me, he's been a dick lately. And yeah... I don't think I'm going to be sleeping with him anymore... It's not good for me. I'll put his needs above mine [not sexually...well, that too...>_>;] and it isn't good for me. I'm somewhat treating it as if we were together, even though we are not. I don't want to be around when he moves on. That is going to suck hardcore. I always used to think exes who didn't remain friends were selfish. I would say, if you really love someone, shouldn't you want to be around them and want what's best for them always? But now I see that that only leads to your own unhappiness. I almost want him to find another girl tomorrow and flaunt her so I can cry about it and then get over it. Rip that bandaid off right? I'm so green with relationships. I feel like I'm 12.
Beeeeh, whatever :] So the past week I've been in Lolita a lot, and it felt very nice. I like the structure that Lolita allows, and the attention. It's funny, people look, but rarely say anything, and it's always a quizzical look, like they're trying to figure it out. It's obviously a style most people haven't seen :D OH, Lolita gets me things too... I bought my boss lunch on Halloween and the guy gave me twice as much food....bwahahaha! He was pretty gothed out himself so I bet he thought we had a ~*~connection~*~ :3
Anyway, pictures from the past week;
I r preggers.
This is what I wore to work Friday!
Omg, I look so sour. I promise I'm a happy person :d
Me in the back room...
And on Thursday to school;
Oh, and my Halloween was pretty rad. I hung out with my friend from Davis and her roomie. We went to a party, then a mini dance party, then back to the party. And then I left to go see my ex in Downtown...So I call him when I get to the house he's at [I was going to take him home-DD] and he doesn't answer... So I wandered around until I saw a girl I'd met once with him. She told me to go inside with her and I find him worshipping the porcelain god hardcore style. He's already kinda pale [redhead] but he was stark white when I saw him. His friend wouldn't let anyone in the bathroom so I just sat outside and chatted with people I didn't know. The one girl I knew stayed with me though, I don't know if she did it on purpose but I really appreciated it. So some girl had to pee so then he went outside and I followed him out to keep an eye on him.
It was kind of a nice role reversal. Normally I'm the one getting sloshed and throwing up and he is taking care of me, but this time he was the one feeling like shit and me taking care of him. Except this time it started raining... So, I sat outside in the rain forcing my ex-boyfriend to puke at 2 AM! Not exactly the way I wanted to spend my evening, but okay nonetheless. :D
It was an odd night, but not one I'll likely ever forget!
One picture from Halloween night...
That's the friend I went to see :]
I dressed as the same thing [Zombie] last year lol :D I was going to do a japanese street fashion look, but it involved my AP socks, and I didn't want to risk someone puking on them or snagging them so I decided to do Zombie again!
And what did everyone else do hmmm? :]