
Feb 06, 2009 21:20

Why yes! I'm posting! LOL. Okai, recent news: Due to peer pressure, I've reopened my facebook account. XD So you guys can go find me if you know my real name and stuffs. lol.

First week of school over! I must say I like this new system better. Even if the subjects are an hour and 45 mins each, I find I'm not tired one bit. (Except Chemistry -- but in my defense the teacher is revising topics I've learnt before AND his voice can make anyone fall asleep.)

I find it so refreshing that I only have 5 subjects! HAHA! (6 classes though, English is split into two) I do sort of regret not taking History though... T'would be quite nice studying Australian History.

Then again, I find Accounting absolutely exciting! XD Hah... I kind of wish I could take more subjects. But that'll be a deathwish!!

Anyways, (after Chemistry) Applicable Maths has got to be the hardest subject. UGH. It's like Emaths but not really? I'm used to using Amaths methods to get answers, but the teacher wants us to go step by step. And some of those steps, I've never learned before! T.T

But I do hear the Calculus people complaining ... so I'm lucky I swapped Calculus...? LOL!

I was being stupid also when I rushed to buy new books. So many cheap second-hand books for sale!! But I redeemed my stupidity when I bought a really good Graphic calculator for only $70. Original price in Aussie dollars is 180AUD and I hear they're selling it for RM 400 in M'sia. Hurhur.

I also bought the Chem txtbook for $30 and the original price was $75+! HOHO I FEEL DELIGHTED.

[Randomly, I was terribly amused when in ELACS(English Language and Australian Culture Studies) we started discussing China's gender imbalance -- how guys living in the countryside would be hardpressed to find a bride -- and one student said, "Go Russia! There are a lot of Russian girls!" I LOL-ED. OTL]

Tomorrow, I shall venture to Perth City (an hour away from my home!) and check out the Army Surplus store for boots! And, I shall bring my camera along and start snapping pics! I owe you guys a lot of pictures. XD;; I also need to get a hat and sunglasses. OTL. What else do I need... get the autoload form...

I was shifting through my old blog entries (while spazzing about History Boys with cheese_cookies, xx_yamato_xx and chibikaya ASHDASHJKSADWQE YESSSSSS HISTORY BOYSSSSSS) and I found my CSI/Deathnote fic!

I choked a little.

D-don't read, you might scar yourself. OTL


"Gil! The FBI wants us in on this. You gonna take the line?" Brass stood near the doorway. Grissom was sitting at his desk, his concentration on his case broken by the sudden intrusion. He glanced at Brass and replied, "I'm already on it."


The CSIs were sitting around one of the meeting tables, ironically resembling the past Knights of a somewhat squarer table. Grissom was standing, examining a file set out in front of him. Nick was explaining, "The eyewitnesses at the scene said they said they saw the vic clutching his chest, twisting around convulsively...while gasping out nonsensical words. This sounds alot like a heartattack, not a homicide, Gil."

"The report from the coroner confirms that too. The vic died of palpitations of the heart, symtoms include frothing at the mouth, abrasions around the chest area possibly from attempted CPR. This is a typical heartattack." Sara was quick to answer.

Grissom remained silent.

"Then...why are we all called on this case? Gil?" Catherine looked at Grissom questioningly.

"That, I can answer. John Marks, FBI." A man in a navy suit entered the room. Everyone turned their heads, save Grissom.

He set down his briefcase and opened it with a click. From within, he took out sheafs of paper and distributed it to the rest.

"I'm am the representative of the American Embassy. Our correspondant from over Japan has sent us these," He gestured to the papers. "In these papers, you'll notice the date, description and times of the murders."

Warrick gave a start. "Hey! Isn't these the Notebook Murders? The wacko stories we've been hearing about?"

John gave Warrick a tilt of his head. "Half-true, that. Yes, it's been dubbed the Notebook murders and no, it's true."

Catherine looked in askance to Warrick.

He obliged with an explaination. "The Notebook Murders started about a month ago, placed in Japan. Apparently, the murders are committed by this person. The thing is, all the vics are criminals. People claim that he kills using a notebook, but that's plain B.S."

"Not until our man was killed two days ago." John set his piercing gaze at Warrick.

"What?" Warrick could only stare incredulously at him. "But how-"

"That's why I've called you all on this case. I'm accepting it." Grissom finally spoke up.



fic, irl, animation, australia, art, hetalia

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