
Jan 14, 2009 15:06

First things first.

SEXY NEW LAPTOP AND TABLET YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!! (I would upload pictures but I'm pretty damned lazy.) Laptop is an ASUS while my SEXY NEW TABLET is a clean white Bamboo Fun.

YESSSSSSSSS I'm so scared of dirtying it lolol. AHHHHHHHHHHH JHAJHKDHjshdhdhqwwwwww!!!!!!!!! <3

I can start downloading all sorts of stuffs now!! I CAN GET ONTO IRC WITHOUT BYPASSING THE HORRIBLE BROWSER!


Next, 'O' Level results out last Monday! It was definitely much better than my prelims (as expected) but it sort of didn't reach my expectations? Then again, 7 or 8 A1s are a bit too much of a fantasy. Hahaha. At least only three people saw me cry! \o/

English - A1 (DIDN'T EXPECT THIS HONESTLY. Especially since I thought I screwed up comprehension. X_x)

English Literature - A1 (ANOTHER UNEXPECTED ONE. Because I KNOW I kind of screwed up Fahrenheit 451 and MNSD. LOL.)

Combined Humanities - A1 (Ahaha expecting this! History + SS <3)

Mathematics - A1 (Nothing to say about this~ Except I thought Amaths would be better. DX)

A. Mathematics - A2 (A tad disappointed. Expected A1. But then again, should remember there are smarter people than me. XD)

Physics - A2 (MOST PROUD OF THIS JAHKAHDSHJASD Especially since I always seem to only get Cs! ASDHKJDSAHQW)

Chemistry - A2 (Eeeeeeeeeeh feels like I've let down my tuition teacher? :/ Considering that only 12 people got A1s for Chem in my class though, I don't feel too bad. XD)

Biology - A2 (URGH DISAPPOINTED. Bio has always been my strong point. Why didn't I get an A1? Damnit, I shouldn't have mixed glycogen and glucagon asjhhaaaaaaargh.)


Ironically enough, I predicted this would happen! A straight line of As then ... A C! SMACK DAB RIGHT THERE. Spoiling everything. XDDDDDDDDDD

Can I still be considered a straight As student?!? *SHOT*

Of course, this doesn't matter at all. Hahaha...


Mmm I've noticed some disharmony about the thread -- I'm not blind -- And I'll be putting something up on the front page soon enough. Hopefully it'll solve some things? Although I'm scared it's too late.

results, asdfghjkl, rl

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