
Oct 05, 2008 00:32

EDIT: omg wtf I hate Rich text. *mopes*

Late night RP with jounetsu_ryu!

'TWAS FUN! <333 We should totally do this again.



Bathos is spelled as S-M-R-T I mean S-M-A-R-T says:
After wandering the halls for so long, he chances upon a room! A quiet room with a chair and a table. Upon closer inspection, he notices the table doubles up as a checker board. He muses to himself and he plops down on the seat. Almost absentmindedly, he traces the black and white squares as he thinks upon his future.

! WenLing ! (ノ^w^)ノ Σ(゚ロ゚ノ)ノ Dream.梦. Joy.慶. [くたばれ! This is my land =D] says:
"I have to...Show that man...But how?" SG-tan muttered to himself. After having survived Kiku's rule, he knew he had what it took to be independent. However, that was only in mind and spirit. Physically, he was weak. There wasn't much he could do by himself. He clenched his fists in anger. The only options he had now were to return to Arthur, defeated, or... ...ally himself with another. But who could he ally with?

Bathos is spelled as S-M-R-T I mean S-M-A-R-T says:
A finger moves from B7 to A6 and he imagines a red checker jumping over an obsidian. What if... Would... He's almost too scared to think. Here he was, having at last gained the independence he wanted(had he? He didn't dwell too much.) and yet...

A click resounded in the room and he jerked around to come face to face with M'sia-tan.

! WenLing ! (ノ^w^)ノ Σ(゚ロ゚ノ)ノ Dream.梦. Joy.慶. [くたばれ! This is my land =D] says:
Another one of UK's children. A brother, almost. (They weren't of the same race, but that mattered little at the moment) M'sia-tan was stronger than him at the moment. Additionally, both of them had suffered under Kiku and, if he was right, M'sia-tan wasn't particularly fond of their "Father" either. Could this be the ally he was looking for?

Though they were neighbours, they never talked much... ...Perhaps it was time for them to start talking?

Bathos is spelled as S-M-R-T I mean S-M-A-R-T says:
It took him a second to make the decision. Gathering up his courage, he stood up with a whoosh of breath. M'sia-tan stared at him, uncharacteristically silent.

Bathos is spelled as S-M-R-T I mean S-M-A-R-T says:
SG-tan opened his mouth, (what could he say? Courageous words designed to persuade Malaysia that an alliance with a weak[so weak, he thought] country would be in his best interests?) and unexpected words came out.

"I need you."

Raw, unadulterated emotion poured into each nuance and he trembled. He hadn't meant for it to be to vulnerable; he was young, true, but that was no excuse.

! WenLing ! (ノ^w^)ノ Σ(゚ロ゚ノ)ノ Dream.梦. Joy.慶. [くたばれ! This is my land =D] says:
"Need me..?" M'sia-tan hadn't expected that. Hadn't expected any of this. "What for?" M'sia-tan spat, more due to the shock than any anger he may have felt. "You've never needed me before. You've always had Arthu- UK. UK always favoured you. Go back and be his favoured child; his pet." M'sia-tan never thought those words would come from his mouth, but in his state of confusion, he wasn't much… ...different from an animal caught in a trap; lashing out at friend and foe alike.

Bathos is spelled as S-M-R-T I mean S-M-A-R-T says:
SG-tan flinched from the venom present in the harsh words. He hadn't expected this. Derision perhaps, or outright rejection but not...hurt? His mind spun and ached in all directions. He gripped his head and groaned once, staring with slitted eyes at M'sia-tan's countenance. Equally as confused and feeling like his heart was stabbed, he responded in the only way possible.

"England- England never cared for me." His voice was soft. Almost too soft.

! WenLing ! (ノ^w^)ノ Σ(゚ロ゚ノ)ノ Dream.梦. Joy.慶. [くたばれ! This is my land =D] says:

"Lies." M'sia-tan wanted to say. Arthur had left him for the wolves; for Kiku. SG-tan was still being protected by Arthur's troops as M'sia-tan found himself learning a foreign tongue, slowly turning into one of Kiku's own. "...And what makes you think that I'd care for you?" M'sia-tan had regained composure, or at least it felt like he did. At least, the poison was gone from his words... Now he was filled with genuine curiousity.

Bathos is spelled as S-M-R-T I mean S-M-A-R-T says:
SG-tan couldn't stop the sharp intake of his breath, nor the small gathering of heated tears in his eye. "You won't. Perhaps. Are you that heartless?" He raised his chin slightly. This was it. It was this or he would be at the mercy of the world. Kiku would not care for him, Arthur would just treat him like he did now; ignore him, he barely knew past his port.

"You would have my location." If the lure of ships was not enough, he was done.

! WenLing ! (ノ^w^)ノ Σ(゚ロ゚ノ)ノ Dream.梦. Joy.慶. [くたばれ! This is my land =D] says:
M'sia-tan hadn't considered that before, surprisingly. He wondered why it hadn't struck him earlier. Still, how could he be sure that the boy standing before him wouldn't bring him more trouble than fortune? "Naturally, I have a heart. And I'm sure you have one too. Yet, hearts are everchanging. How do I know that you won't turn on me?" M'sia-tan stepped forward to embrace the other former-colony. "How do I know that...you won't leave me?" He whispered into SG-tan's ear, making sure the last few words lingered.

Bathos is spelled as S-M-R-T I mean S-M-A-R-T says:
Don't move, don't turn, don't... screw this up. SG-tan whispered feverently in his mind as M'sia-tan advanced. No amount of preparation could have helped him though, when M'sia-tan whispered those haunting words. His eyes fluttered half-shut and his arms shifted half way up to grasp the other's shirt, only to fall back to his sides. His fingers twitched.

"...Impossible." His words now nearly resembled a waft of dry air.

! WenLing ! (ノ^w^)ノ Σ(゚ロ゚ノ)ノ Dream.梦. Joy.慶. [くたばれ! This is my land =D] says:

"Impossible? What is?" M'sia-tan tightened his grip on the younger male, as if trying to force an answer out of him. "Arthur...Our 'Father'...He left us. Durians don't fall far from their trees. You are just as likely to leave me as he left us." And the grip tightened as he was reminded of the European.

! WenLing ! (ノ^w^)ノ Σ(゚ロ゚ノ)ノ Dream.梦. Joy.慶. [くたばれ! This is my land =D] says:
"All you have to do is prove your loyalty to me." M'sia-tan said in a tone that almost sounded like a purr as he let his fingers brush against the paler skin of SG-tan's face. So soft, so vulnerable...

Bathos is spelled as S-M-R-T I mean S-M-A-R-T says:
In contrast to the spinning his head was doing earlier, now it was just a blank. SG-tan couldn't think. It was as simple as that. The hand gliding across his cheek was distracting; it sent spikes of heat pooling in his stomach. He had to say something. Anything. "What-" His voice croaked; he cleared nervously and tried again. "What do you want?" The question was almost painfully obsolete.

! WenLing ! (ノ^w^)ノ Σ(゚ロ゚ノ)ノ Dream.梦. Joy.慶. [くたばれ! This is my land =D] says:
"I want..." He said, his hands wandering down the other's body until they reached his waist. "..you to show me..." His gaze now met the Chinese boy's "...how much you want me."

Bathos is spelled as S-M-R-T I mean S-M-A-R-T says:
It was like fire. His traitorous body was responding to the strange yet all-too familiar actions(A dim memory flickered in his mind, a cold night, an empty bottle and plaintive cries- England, he breathes) and his face was surely as red as chilli powder. He wanted to ask, to confirm, but dare not, for fear of what he answer he would receive.

Unable to move, his breath caught in his throat, he flexed his fingers once, twice. Trembling, he cast his gaze on the floor, not wanting to broadcast his shame.

! WenLing ! (ノ^w^)ノ Σ(゚ロ゚ノ)ノ Dream.梦. Joy.慶. [くたばれ! This is my land =D] says:
M'sia-tan could see it in the other's actions. He still thought of him, that...ang moh. It seems that Arthur hadn't left any of his "children" untouched. He sighed. "You still think of that man, I can see it in you. You even speak his language." M'sia-tan let the words come out in Malay. He was sure SG-tan could still remember that language. At least, enough to understand his words. If not, the...resentment inherent in his voice would be good enough.

! WenLing ! (ノ^w^)ノ Σ(゚ロ゚ノ)ノ Dream.梦. Joy.慶. [くたばれ! This is my land =D] says:
"I want you to think only of me. I want you to become one with me. I want..." He brought SG-tan's face up to meet his. "..merger." And he forced his mouth onto his as Arthur had forced his way onto their land.

Bathos says:
When M'sia-tan spoke in Malaya, SG-tan stiffened. Cheeks flushed, he was about to reprimand M'sia-tan(How silly now that he thought of it), English was the language of the future, there was no point returning to old roots that would rot away, when he realised what he was doing. A small part of him still wanted - needed - to defend England and that part cried out when M'sia said what he said.

Bathos says:
The other part of him, the one that wanted independence squashed that voice flat. Because of that, he finally welcomed M'sia's touch, albeit a bit with despair. Merger sounded good, thought SG-tan hazily, merger would help him, it would- His thoughts were cut short when M'sia-tan shifted his hands and all he could think about was how long he had not been touched like that.


I erased the LULZ parts because I wanted it to go smoother~! XD Also brain not really working so forgive me if I forget anything!


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