tour withdrawl

Dec 18, 2007 20:43

the ADP tour ended on the 16. i have never been actually, truly sad about a tour ending. i think it's because Tori did such an amazing job fleshing the dolls out into their own people and each one being so fun in her own way....the anticipation of not knowing who you're gonna get...i felt like this tour was just one big party for some reason....might have something to do with Santa going around in the audience those few times and serving drinks to the band. i don't know. i'm just so thrilled that Santa came out in Denver. it was a great show and i sat in between some really nice guys who were fun to talk to. As far as the VIP experience goes, i was really lucky and very happy to be a part of it. the sound check was amazing-i don't think watching Tori has ever put me into such a trance as watching her work out Spark and Past the Mission with only 25 people in the seats. meeting her was really nice. i told her i was a poet and gave her the poembook i wrote. she said "i'll be sure to read that" which i really hope she does. i put my address just it case she thinks i'm a genius ;) we got a nice picture-nicer than the one from pittsburgh '03. i hugged her but it was like i did it without even thinking because i was so worked up, so i don'tknow if she hugged back or anthing. i fwlt kind of like an idiot afterwards but oh well. i got some cool pics of the show and participated (for the first and probobly the last time) in the stage rush only because i was s so close. the best part was the story of explaining to Tash what a bisexual is. really happy she played Cooling, it was probably my favorite moment aside from the story. as Savii first suggested, my life goals now have to consist of 1) getting published in the Tori book 2) meeting Tori again so she can sign the first page of my chapter :) but first i have to write the damn thing :) i'm excited and nervous about it since i started reading for my thesis (Arthur Rimbaud's influence on Jim Morrison/How they are both illustrations of the romantic Western ideal of the poet as a tortured (male) genius. I think the nerves will settle once i finish the book i'm starting my research with, which is 450 pages long. i'm pretty sure that's the longest one that i will be reading for this endevour so after i'm finished with the book tackling Zero Point in all its glory will seem more feasible.

does anyone know how to make photo bucket albums not private?

tori, toritour, 28november2007, meetingtori, meetngreet

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