David McGhan's Outerspace McGahan (voice-over): "When Orville and Wilbur Wright first invented the aeroplane in 1898 I wonder if they realised that exactly 104 years later the Apollo 11 would land on the moon and Neil Armstrong would plant the American Flag on it's soil. Highly unlikely. That sort of detail, particularly Neil Armstrong's name would have required enormous precognitive ability."
"But despite of the Wright Brother's ignorance of th9ings to come they happened anyway. 300 billion dollars poured into the space program over the last 25 years."
Pictures relevant to it accompany much of the following speech.
"Money which could have been used to purchase loaves of bread for the starving. In fact, 300 billion dollars would have purchased enough bread to stretch, ironically, from here to the moon. Even more ironically, rockets would have had to been used to take the bread that fat out into space. Rockets which would not have been available due to the money for their manufacture being spent on the original purchase of the bread.
"Not only that, but the starving would not have benefited from the purchase of the bread owing to the wasteful use of that bread in the construction of the Earth-Moon bridge. In any event, most of the loaves would have been stale by the time the unavailable rockets had brought them to Earth, or burned up on re-entry.
"And you can't fee the starving stale toast. Not without a condiment anyway. But fortunately the space program has only so much money. Jam alone costs almost $2.30 a jar. It would take the defence budget of several United States of America to spread that much preserve on a dismantled and stale Earth-Moon toast bridge even half that size. An inedible testament to man's thoughtlessness."