Mar 15, 2009 18:30
Crunchtime for laptop purchase. I MUST have a laptop within the next two weeks (yes, despite looking for well over three months I still haven't bought one).
12- 13 inch monitor.
3+ hours of battery life (whilst still being able to clearly read the screen)
Under 2.5kg and preferably under 2.2kg with a 6 cell battery or higher
Processor capable of movies, internet and microsoft office
Must play nice with Microsoft Office 2007
DVD player
USB friendly
Surely someone has a laptop they love with those specs?
The budget is under $2000, pref. $1500.
People tell me the XPS 1330 fails within the first year due to dodgy heating
Reviews say the Lenovo x200 and x301 would be so much better if it's battery life didn't suck so bad and had a bit more power
The T400 is apparently incredibly expensive for a reduction in quality for specs other makers can meet (but is now $1700 but will weigh 2.6kg with 9 cell)
The white Macbook (No LED monitor) says it'll play nice with Microsoft Office, but the people reviewing it say otherwise.
64-128 SSD still a $400-$1000 upgrade