Mar 16, 2005 09:15
Barreling down the Ronald Reagan Highway eariler this morning I notice a black SUV coming even more quickly up behind me. Its driver the usual callous caucasian looking to run every other driver off the road in an effort to get to their distination just a few seconds quicker does not strike me as the least bit odd. Its not until I pull off into a slower lane to let the more dominant of the species through that a thought strikes me looking at the back cab of the vehicle. I have seen them in many colors, sizes, meanings.....those ribbons (or in this case huge, over-sized ribbon sticker) trying to signify your backing of a particular cause. First what bothers me is what people are really wanting to get across by having their cars plastered with these stickers; is it a cry for attention ("Hey look, I'm a nice person. I care."), some depeserate attempt not to seem out of place ("Hey look, I care just like the rest of you with the matching stickers are caring about."), or maybe its just some involuntary reflex to society ("Hey look, I care because I feel like I have to."). Its really hard to be able to pin it down exactly, there are people like the ones who were being dangers to human life this morning who just have stickers on their car and honestly that is the limit to their caring and then you have the people that really care. They don't go for the recognition, they don't need a ribbon, they don't need stickers; they have their feelings and they have a want to make everything work for that feeling. I stand by those people, and for all those others I say slow down on the freeways; its not life or death, and if it was you'd be in an ambulance or hearse. (for those wishing to back me I'll be making a special transperant ribbon to fight this cause....maybe).