Apr 01, 2005 10:57
i couldnt fall asleep last night for the life of me, i just layed in my bed staring out my window, than i decided to listen to some music and read since i wasnt falling asleep anytime soon. I must of listened to "in an aeroplane over the sea" and "if youre feeling sinister" three times each while reading random articles about the state of the country in past rolling stones. FInally i fell asleep feeling very anxious and well tired. I had a dream where i was sitting on the chair from my computer room in a room that was a completle circle with patchwork walls. At first i was sitting in the center of the room, but i picked up the chair and moved it to one of the sides, than out of the wall came this old man that looked alot like myself and he told me he was giving me the chance to change one part of my life, and than i can see how my life would be and choose if i want that life or the one i have. Thats when i woke up.