You Wonderful Old Building and Loan!

Dec 31, 2009 13:51

Time for the annual Year in Review fic meme!


For the year of 2009...

Fics Completed: Happy to say I beat the number I set for myself this year! And as of today I sit at 50 total posted fics (kinda pathetic for 8 years of writing, but wtv - I'm proud of myself lol)
Meetings (Criminal Minds - Reid, Garcia - K)
Names (Criminal Minds - Reid, Team - T)
Hearts (Criminal Minds - Morgan/Reid - K)
Fools (Criminal Minds - Emily, Morgan, JJ, Reid - T)
Potential (Criminal Minds - Reid, Diana and William - K)
Scales (Criminal Minds - Hotch, Reid - K+)
Briefly (Criminal Minds - every pairing imaginable - T)
Childish (Criminal Minds - Hotch, Reid - K+)
My Fair Arty (Merlin - Arthur/Merlin, Gwen/Morgana, Gaius, Uther - K+)
Spook (Criminal Minds - Reid, Emily, Morgan, JJ - T)
Princes and a Frog (Merlin - Arthur/Merlin - K+)
Garland (Criminal Minds - Reid, Team - K+)
Like Father... (Merlin - Arthur/Merlin, Uther - T)
Sickness (Criminal Minds - JJ, Reid - K+)

Lived in Vain (Criminal Minds - Reid, Elle - T)
Veggie Tales (Criminal Minds - Hotch, Reid, Morgan - PG)
Winner Takes it All (Criminal Minds - Reid, Emily, Morgan - PG)
Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes (Criminal Minds - Emily, Hotch, Reid - PG)
Making the Grade (Criminal Minds - Reid, Morgan, Garcia, Emily - PG)
Someone to Watch Over Me (Criminal Minds - Elle, Reid - PG)
The Ghost in This House (Criminal Minds - Garcia, Morgan, Reid - PG)
The Things You Can't Unlearn (Criminal Minds - Emily, Reid - PG)
Home for a Rest (Criminal Minds - Reid, the Morgan family - PG)
Trust Me (Criminal Minds - Morgan, Hotch, Reid - PG)
Nightmare's Reprise (Merlin - Morgana/Arthur, Gwen - PG)
Teenage Wasteland (Criminal Minds - Reid, Hotch, Gideon - PG)
Tarzan Boy (Criminal Minds - Reid - PG)

Fics (multi-chapter) Started or Continued:
Only one multichapter this year (however ill-fated it was), and I actually finished it for once!

14 fics, 13 drabbles.

Looking back, did you write more fics than you thought you would this year, less than you thought, or about what you predicted?
After last year's pathetic show of 10 fics, I'm happy to say I wrote more than I expected. Still not as much as I'd like to have written, but not bad. Also, I've decided that my 53,000 word, 2-straight-months-of-writing monstrosity counts as more than one fic because...well, because I said so. ;)

What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January 2008?
I didn't expect to start writing slash. I usually stay clear of relationships in general (I prefer writing implied or very subtle fluffy pre-relationship stuff), but I got so caught up in wanting to contribute something to both the Hotch/Prentiss and Morgan/Reid Valentine's Day communities that I found myself with a fluff-induced Morgan/Reid before I even realized I was writing it. And my three Merlin/Arthur fics kind of happened without my even realizing it... (I think those two have so much chemistry on-screen that you can write them normally and just call it slash lol).

If I'd had time to make Morgan/Reid icon manips I originally planned (like I did for the Hotch/Prentiss Valentine's Day-athon), I'd probably still be a het-only author.

What’s your favorite story this year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you the happiest.
Tie between Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes and Princes and a Frog. I'm not gonna lie - a big part of why I like that first one is because of the title, but I seriously can't get enough of Reid and Emily's rocky friendship. And the second one was just a lot of fun to write.

Okay, NOW your most popular story.
Princes and a Frog was pretty popular on LJ. Childish and Garland were more popular on

Story most underappreciated by the universe?
I'm really tempted to say My Fair Arty, but that may be less due to it actually deserving appreciation than the fact that I put a helluvah lot of effort into it and wish it had been more worthy of appreciation in the end.

Story that could have been better?
Spook and Garland. They were both written for holidays and a year overdue, but I just couldn't get my writing mojo working on either of them. Garland was originally supposed to be 12 vignettes instead of 5 (part of the reason I didn't post it last year was because only 4 had been written at the time), but in the end I just couldn't get the characters right in my head (hence the cutting of Gideon's vignette, and Hotch's, and a number of team ones). And Spook was supposed to be longer and more detailed, but the majority of it was written at 3am on Halloween morning in order to get it posted in time, so I ended up just plugging through it.

Actually, now that I look at it, four of the eleven CM fics were holiday-related. Weird.

Sexiest story?
Erm... Like Father..., I guess, because it actually alludes to and briefly snippets sex in a very PG way (which never happens in my fics).

Most fun story?
Possibly Fools. I had to sot through so many prank sites to put that one together.

Story with single sweetest moment?
I'm calling a three-way tie between Making the Grade, Princes and a Frog, and Hearts. Cuz I'm decisive like that.

The story that made you cry?
The Ghost in This House. I always feel bad for Garcia when she's put through the darker aspects of their job, and that whole case must have been so rough on her.

Hardest story to write?
My Fair Arty wins again! God, I must have given up on that story every night. It literally made me sick to my stomach how much I hated it (and still hate it) at times. Reaching 22,000 words and having to start over was horrible. And the worst part was it was impossible to write anything else while I was working on it, so I started to begrudge it quite a bit.

Easiest story to write?
Meetings came a lot easier than I thought it would. That was during my January writing spree, and I think it only took me a day or two. Hearts came pretty quickly as well (mostly because I was in a rush to finish and post it before I left for Italy).

Most overdue story?
Sickness. The eighth story I started in the Criminal Minds fandom (approaching 3 years ago, now), and I only finished it this morning 0.0

Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them?
I guess writing a multichapter fic again (for the first time in four years) was a bit of a risk. As was trying out slash. And writing UST. And writing for a new (much larger and somewhat intimidating) fandom. Uh, I guess I learned that it's still better to have the entire multichapter fic written before you post it (something I knew from my last multi fic, but it's always nice to be reminded). And that slash isn't as intimidating to write as I thought it'd be. And that I'm still not all that great at writing UST/budding relationships in general, but I'm willing to keep trying.

Do you have any fanfic goals for the New Year?
Beat my fic total from this year. And finish as many of the incomplete fics on my harddrive as possible (I'm actually getting to the point where I'm considering just giving them up for adoption or posting the incomplete snippets as part of a 'decoupage of CM fic' thing). We'll see how it goes.
Happy New Year!

on writing, fic: merlin, meme, fic: criminal minds, blither blather blog

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