Merlin - Princes and a Frog (Arthur/Merlin, pg-13)

Oct 16, 2009 16:37

Title: Princes and a Frog
Author: batgurl88
Rating: pg-13
Genre: Humour, fluff 
Characters/Pairings: Merlin/Arthur
Wordcount: 1,732
Summary: "Your father's going to kill me," he said, frowning, because it was true. Frog-Arthur looked wholly unconcerned.
Notes/Warnings: *sigh* The things I do when I'm stuck at home sick. I didn't get to spend as much time on this as I wanted to. For the Fairy-Tales Challenge at merlin_flashfic. Beta'd by penelopesfriend.

Posted here at the comm.

fic: merlin, slash, pairing: arthur/merlin

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