Nov 30, 2006 15:34
I can never decide if life at school is better or worse than life in the "real world". The real world is one of those mysterious places that one hears about frequently but finds hard to book a ticket to. For me, I consider my year on internship to be as close to the real world as I've got so far. Well, I worked that other random year too, so I guess I've been twice. My profs tell me about the real world, sometimes, but really, I think they've been trapped in the uni walls so long that they don't really have a clue what they're talking about. Although the word on the street is that Transportation Engineers have a bright future if they move to Poland.
So today life inside the bizzaro world of university seems okay. I define okay days to be those where I'm home in time to watch Oprah. Not that watching Oprah is okay. It's not. I do it anyway, although today is a stupid episode featuring famous people I don't care about. I don't really care about most famous people. Really good people never seem to get famous. They just get through a day despite crazy odds against it.
And now I have two days of class left this semester. I finished two classes today that I've come to rather loathe. It feels good to know that within 3 weeks, I will be done with two very self-important professors. I'm tired of humoring them. I'm tired of listening to them. I'm tired of pretending to learn from them. It will be very good to be done.
I live too much outside the moment. I know this about myself, and yet I go on doing it. Right now, I'm living for Christmas break. I'm living for being done school. And I know I shouldn't try to live in the future, because there are probably lesssons to be learned and pleasures to be had right here and right now, but I just don't like it here. I want to be somewhere where I can afford to buy people the presents I want to, and I can stop working and not feel guilty, and I can appreciate spending time with people I like instead of spending it reassuring classmates that they will in fact survive this.