Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince (possible spoilers, if you haven't read the book)

Jul 15, 2009 10:51

I saw it last night, at the traditional midnight showing. I've gone to every midnight showing except for the first movie, and even then I saw it opening weekend.

It's no secret that I have always loved the Potterverse.  I was maniacally obsessed in college, and that has waned a bit through the years, but I still find myself absolutely in love with teh series.  A lot of people I know were really turned off by the Final installment, especially the Happy ending epilogue, and I thought I counted myself amoung them.  However, the more I think about it, the more my opinion is moved.  I still love all my non-cannon ships, but I can still respect the story for what it is.  I can still accept that this was someone else's story to tell, and still enjoy it, even if I may have ended things differently.

I think the realization that has helped me the most, is that books and movies are two separate entities.  you really cannot expect a movie to turn out exactly like the book, it's just impossible.  Films are adaptaions of books.  when I look at it that way, I can enjoy both the books and the movies, and not find myself grumpily complaining about how something was done differently in the movie.

All that being said, I really really enjoyed this movie.  I think it was done beautifully, it seemed like a happy combination of the artistry that was PoA, and the Storytelling of OotP. There was a perfect balance of teenage angst, comedy, adventure, and horror.  The Cave scene was exactly how I pictured it in the book!  Especially Dumbledore drinking the potion. Perfect.  Ron and Lavender was awesome.  Hermione was even more Awesome. Ginny was by Far the awesomest.  Cormac was a dreamboat (and hilarious).  Luna still makes me smile.  Fred and George were great.  Slughorn was amazing.

They left the setup for book seven absolutely perfect and believable.  I can't wait, even though I know it'll be a LONG time.

Sigh.  So, in closing, Go see the movie, and don't despair if your own love affair with Harry Potter has fizzled out.  II'm still crazy enough for everyone.


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