Nov 02, 2005 13:32
so just when i thought that my job or ex job couldn't skrew me over any more they have now shorted me 300 bux of severence pay...i'm livid...if i call her and bitch she'll just tell me that the amount is correct...only here's the damn kick in the teeth...i worked full time for a month before i saw my first fuckin paycheck from that hell hole they call an office. each paycheck comes to a total of well 636 that means i should be getting two paychecks like that for my severence pay...thats what she told us when we got hired and didn't see a pay check for a fucking month. i'm so beyond pissed right the hell am i supposed to do anything with 300 bux...i'm giving it another two weeks and if nothing changes i'll be going up there yankin her and liz in the office and bitching them both the fuck out. i don't give a fuck what are they gonna do fire me...already did that...dumbasses...i'm ready this time to tell the powers that be on this one if they don't give me my goddamned money then they are going to skrewing me over i'm not fuckin around. do you know how much fuckin money i can get from sueing a large company like theirs....fuck the bullshit fuck all of this i'm done....i'm going to have a what if its 10am kiss my fuckin ass