Oct 22, 2004 14:52
ok so the newest edition to my life...Rocky is a keeper..the woman who bought him isn't taking him and he currently lives in my room with mine..tho he stays in his own cage and only runs with them when i let them all out. my sis has adopted him meaning she's paying for him...and that's in full vet bills food shavings and litter....she has her hands full...Drac has fully adopted him as one of his own and now Rocky is a full time member of my lil ferret family...Geist has deemed that he's her man...whatever that means but the two are inseperable now so Drac really had no choice...because of this my sis is letting him stay with me permanently...the fur on his tail is almost completely back..yay me and my rehab skills...too bad i can't rehab myself...so much shit is going down as always i can't keep it straight...despite two really good interviews and what seemed like a job..turns out the manager was full of shit and when i called her she either didn't know it was me or didn't hire me..what the fuck ever...so i'm going with my last hope...a temp agency..should have done that earlier but eh...um...that's really all thats going on in my life..exciting isn't it...well i'll let you drones that read this get on with your lives...