Jan 18, 2007 17:13
I figure I should probably post SOMETHING here, just in case anyone ever checks. So I thought I would write a little something about myself.
I am in my 40's and have lived in southern California all of my life. I was totally ignorant of the existence of fan fiction until late in 1998 or early 1999 when I became obsessed with the show Sports Night. I discovered the Sports Night group on Yahoo and joined the list. (I am still a member.) It was there that I first heard about fanfic. Then there was something called slash, but I had no clue what it was. From the first slash story I read, I was hooked! I had been watching shows for years with a slash perspective, I just didn't realize that it had a name and that a lot of other people were doing it too. I eventually got dragged into reading X-Files and Stargate SG-1 slash. I also like Numb3rs slash. Unfortunately, it hasn't taken off like Supernatural has. I am really happy to see how much Supernatural slash is out there now. Luckily, I decided to take the plunge and figure out LJ as I realized I was missing out on a lot of good stories.
I love to read crossover stories, especially if I am familiar with all the series involved. I am hoping to someday see a Numb3rs/Bones crossover. I really like longer stories with a plot, although smut has its time and place too. A big frustration for me is reading a WIP that I don't realize is a WIP when I start reading it. A bigger frustration is when that WIP forever remains a WIP.
I rarely read stories online. I copy them to Word and then load them onto my Palm Pilot. It is much easier to read them that way as it gets really uncomfortable sitting in front of a computer for hours. I can read slash in bed or in line at the post office.
Maybe someday I will try my hand at writing. Although it has been 8 years and it still hasn't happened. It is just so intimidating as there are so many talented writers out there. Plus, who has time to write when there is so much reading to do?