scratch that. I have two places to live...
I'm hoping to sublet the room in Rockoff for the three summer months, but it's hard to sell $700/month for a room in a small apartment. feh. I'll probably just end up splitting the difference with someone or something...I can do that for 3 months.
So I'm totally excited to have found an awesome house in a great area (I have been getting REALLY tired of the cat-calls I get walking down George St just about every day. It's not flattering, guys - fucking quit it.) and I have a cute little room and parking and a backyard and a breakfast nook!...among other things...also, an attractive male housemate - can't complain!
Grandma is freaking out because I don't exactly know who I'll be living with yet, and she doesn't want me to be the only girl...but I do. I want to sit around drinking beer and playing video games. I want to be everyone's mother and little sister AND little brother, cooking them dinner and wrestling in the living room or yelling at them not to break things when they do, and having them get over-protective when guys are jerks. I imagine one of them would be a total asshole, and the other 6 would be all supportive and "don't worry about him, he's just angry because blahdy blahdy blah" and I'd fix their cars and they'd buy me tampons at the store and be extra quiet around "that time of the month".
For a feministic Douglass student, I really revel in gender-based generalizations and stereotypes entirely too much.
(I totally couldn't think of the word stereotypes but I had an image of a sketchy boom-box in my head...stereo...types...I'm silly)
I lose my internet connection every time I adjust my computer screen (and other times, but that's an especially ridiculous one)
and I've found my motivation these past few days (well not today...I'm sleepy today)
and my boyfriend is adorable, even if he did tell me last night I'm gonna be a crazy old cat-lady
and I've almost paid off my parents
and this semester is almost over
Folk Festival is on Saturday...so is my cousin's wedding...my dress is hawt even if I'm nawt.
This is me and Freddy Kreuger: