Title: Caged Universe: General Genres: Action/Drama Rating: PG Characters: Scarecrow, OC Word Count: 500 Summary: An electrical outage brings a woman's fears to life...
What a nice comment! I think there is always at least a tiny bit of trepidation when posting a story because you don't know how people are going to react to it--you don't know if what you wrote works. And this particular drabble had me nervous; I'm not sure I've ever written something quite like it before. So thank you for your kind comments! I'm glad if this drabble worked for you.
Interestingly, the recent agoraphobia episode of House is one that I missed! I would love to see it. I thought an agoraphobiac would make an interesting victim for Scarecrow. And I admit that I personally find nothing scarier than the idea of someone breaking into your house at night during a power outage while you're all alone! When I was a kid, power outages particularly freaked me out.
When trying to think of a title, I considered calling it "The Crane and the Dove," lol. But I didn't think that captured the tone of the piece.
I haven't changed the last line yet. I know the final line isn't particularly necessary, but I like the image of Batman holding out his hand to the woman since he is the one helping her overcome her fear. I'll see what people think.
Interestingly, the recent agoraphobia episode of House is one that I missed! I would love to see it. I thought an agoraphobiac would make an interesting victim for Scarecrow. And I admit that I personally find nothing scarier than the idea of someone breaking into your house at night during a power outage while you're all alone! When I was a kid, power outages particularly freaked me out.
When trying to think of a title, I considered calling it "The Crane and the Dove," lol. But I didn't think that captured the tone of the piece.
I haven't changed the last line yet. I know the final line isn't particularly necessary, but I like the image of Batman holding out his hand to the woman since he is the one helping her overcome her fear. I'll see what people think.
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