Title: Just another day in the cave
Universe: DCAU (Young Justice)
Genre: Drama, Humor
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Robin, Connor Kent, Wally
Word Count: 474 words
Warnings: None
Summary: The boys are bored to tears, so Robin asks Batman for a favor.
Time flew when you were having fun and for the young heroes in the Cave, things couldn’t be more boring. Summer away from school was supposed to be fun but when you’re all call in case the planet gets invaded, things couldn’t be deader when criminals were either all locked up or too warm to want to make an effort at their trade.
Robin entered the hangar where Connor and Wally were washing Sphere for the fifth time that day and could tell things needed to be livened up. Robin thought things needed to be changed and made a call to Batman. He moved to a private location in the cave to make his call. “Batman, I need to ask you for a favour.”
“What do you need?” Batman responded.
It took about ten minutes for Robin and Batman to debate over his idea and also it took a bit arm twisting to get the Dark Knight to agree to anything. Robin had to volunteer for some extra shifts in order to convince him but finally Batman relented.
“All right.” Batman said as he gave in. “As long as no one tries to sneak upstairs, you have permission.”
“Thanks Bruce.” Robin turned off the com panel and returned to the hanger where Connor and Wally were still polishing Sphere again. “All right guys, he’s not going get any shinier than he is now.”
“There isn’t much else to do.” Wally answered.
“Not any more.” Robin corrected. “Anyone up for a field trip?”
“We’re on call.” Connor said as he stood up. “We have to be at an approved League location.”
“We’re going to one.” Robin said as he smiled. “How would you guys like take a tour of the Bat-Cave?”
Connor had no idea what he was talking about but Wally’s face lit up almost immediately. “Really?”
“Really.” Robin answered. “Batman just cleared your codes for transport there.”
“I’m sorry.” Connor asked. “Where are we going?”
“This is Batman’s secret lair!” Wally squealed. “I can’t believe we’re going to get a chance to see where Batman lives.”
“Actually.” Robin interrupted. “He lives above the Bat-Cave. You have to promise not to go upstairs and remain in the cave.”
Connor nodded. “All right, as long as there is something to do in this cave.”
“Trust me.” Robin replied. “There are plenty of cool things to see there.”
“All right!” Wally said with a wide grin. “Let’s blow this pop stand!”
Robin typed in a special pass code into the transporter that only he and Batman knew, and activated the machine. “All right, let’s go.”
As the three of them entered the machine to transport from one cave to another, what was going to be another boring day at the cave was instead going to be a fun filled day Wally and Connor were not going to forget.