Title: Passing the Baton
Universe: Nolanverse
Genre: Drama, Action
Rating: PG-13 for language and violence
Characters/Pairings: John Blake, Lucius Fox
Word Count: ~10,000
Warnings: So many spoilers for The Dark Knight Rises
Summary: After the events of The Dark Knight Rises, John Blake goes hunting.
Passing the Baton )
I think for this guy whose world just got turned upside down, donning a costume and fighting crime would be far from his mind.
Although it's so weird reading 'John read...', John found...', 'John....'. Because it's weird having a Bat character named John, or because it needs to be written better? I admit this probably needs another careful edit.
For the weapons, I was trying to think of something close to escrima sticks, because why the heck would he just happen to know how to use those, but since he's a cop he would have some experience in using hand weapons for non-lethal purposes. It also works double-duty with the title, because he advances beyond simple batons to the blingy ones Lucius can give him. Lucius was so much fun to write here--he had such joy outfitting Bruce, and I can bet he'd have fun outfitting someone else with different tools/toys that Bruce didn't use for one reason or another. (I can't picture Batman really liking Taser batons, for example.)
I was trying to think of conceivable reasons for him to be similar to the Nightwing we all know and love, but still different. And yeah, I really believe he wouldn't wnat to be Batman.
Thank you do much for reading and commenting, I had fun with it and I'm glad you did too!
No, no, I meant calling John someone I know as Robin, Nightwing, Dick, Richard, Grayson..... what's up with John? But this is a movie-gripe.
And, yeah, use of batons was ingenious.
Simply, a good good story. Can't believe it didn't won.... *pouts*
Eh, it's long, maybe people don't like John Blake, I'm not too let down. I'm just glad I can finally post it elsewhere!
Thanks again!!
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