Title: Weight of Shadows Universe: General Genre: Drama Rating: PG Characters/Pairings: Wee!Bruce Word Count: 524 Warnings: None Summary: It's a dark and stormy night, and Bruce is having trouble coping.
Little baby Bruce always gets to me. Poor kid. I think any fear of the dark he may have had would have certainly been exacerbated by memories of the dark alley and the horror he experienced there.
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Poor little PTSD-ing Bruce; I think post Crime Alley would be enough to give anyone a fear of the dark! I confess I was initially reading along and thinking rather poorly of Alfred for leaving him alone in the dark, but if he had to go check on things with the power outage then fair enough - I was rationalising that it wouldn't be like him to be off by himself playing solitaire or something while wee!Bruce is having a panic attack in the other room!
Wee!Bruce could probably do with a visit from his adult self who can give him a pep talk about just how much he'll come to welcome and use the darkness to his advantage when it comes to scaring the pants off Gotham's thieves and ne're-do-wells...
Nah, Alfred wouldn't leave him alone if he didn't have to, he was just checking on the house. At least Bruce was set up with some light while he waited.
I think Bruce's adult self would terrify his wee!self. I mean, to see yourself grow into Batman? Would be an interesting fic, anyway. And yep, he definitely outgrows any fear of the dark!
Yeah, when you put it that way, a visit from grown up Bruce might not be such a good thing for wee!Bruce's PTSD afterall! His tough love approach to dealing with childhood trauma probably isn't as helpful as Alfred's hugs right about then...
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Glad this worked for you--thanks for reading and commenting!
Wee!Bruce could probably do with a visit from his adult self who can give him a pep talk about just how much he'll come to welcome and use the darkness to his advantage when it comes to scaring the pants off Gotham's thieves and ne're-do-wells...
I think Bruce's adult self would terrify his wee!self. I mean, to see yourself grow into Batman? Would be an interesting fic, anyway. And yep, he definitely outgrows any fear of the dark!
Thanks for reading and commenting!
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