Title: Catchphrase Universe: DCAU-kinda Genre: Drama/Humour Characters: Joker 'n' Harley Rating: PG Word Count: 500 Summary: Harley has been brainstorming some ideas for "brand Joker"...
I did enjoy the reference to the 1989 Batman--what the heck *does* that mean? And when will Harley learn to stop interrupting Joker when he's working? She's lucky he hasn't killed her a million times over by now! You'd think he'd have more fun with a catchphrase, considering how often he puts himself on TV. It would get him to stick in people's minds more.
Comments 2
If Joker decided he wanted a catchphrase himself and came up with it himself, I'm sure he would think it was a great idea... perfect for lunchboxes!
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