Title: An unexpected guest
Universe: DCU
Genre: General
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Bruce Wayne, Alfred
Word Count: 493
Warnings: None
Summary: Bruce gets an unexpected guest while celebrating the holidays with the kids.
Bruce heard the doorbell ring it surprised everyone. No one else was expected, Bruce thought to himself as he walked towards the door. Alfred was in the kitchen, basting the turkey as Bruce waved him down as he passed by, "You've got your hands full, I'll get it." He was cautious as he opened the door, the person behind it was an even bigger surprise. "Clark! I wasn't expecting you."
Clark seemed uncharacteristically quiet. "I'm sorry for the intrusion."
"Don't worry about it. Dick, Barbara and Tim are just watching a movie. It's something they like to do the night before the big day. Are you all right?"
"Well I had a feeling this was going to be a difficult Christmas..."
"I understand. I'm sorry about what happened to Martha Kent. I meant to be there for the service..."
"I know," Clark replied, "It has been very busy in the watchtower."
"I know how hard it's been for you this holiday season." Bruce said as he understood what it was like to lose a family.
"It's even worse than I thought." Clark said as he adjusted his glasses, "She was the one person who I could be myself around. It always made the holidays more authentic for me."
"Well, why don't you come in? I have plenty of room here." Bruce said as he stepped aside.
"Are you sure it's all right?" Clark asked, somewhat hesitant.
"You are always welcome here at the manor, Clark." Bruce said with a smile, "And because of the league, everyone here already knows who you are. You don't have to fake it around us."
"Are you sure Alfred will be all right with me staying?" Clark asked as he really didn't want to impose.
"Unless your name is Wally, he'll be just fine. I'm sure he'll be happy to see you again. Come on in..."
"Thank you, Bruce." Clark said as he stepped inside.
"You would have done the same for me." Bruce said with a smile as he took his coat.
Alfred came out to the hallway after basting the turkey to realize who was there. "Will Mr. Kent be joining us for dinner?"
"For the holidays, Alfred." Bruce corrected. "Give him a spare room with a balcony for easy exits."
"Understood, Master Wayne." Alfred answered, "Everyone is in the living room. They just started the film."
Bruce turned to Clark, "Have you seen 'It's a wonderful life'?"
"I have and it's one of my favorites." Clark answered.
"Mine too." Bruce said as he slapped his friend on the shoulder. The two men walked into the foyer and towards the living room where everyone else was watching the movie and celebrating the holiday.