Title: Firsts and Lasts
Disclaimer: The norms
Rating: T
Story Synopsis: Tim thinks about his first and last time for a lot of things.
Note: This is for the tumblr Tim Drake week.
The first time Tim put on the Robin suit, the costume wasn’t really his and he didn’t really feel as though he belonged in it. In that moment, he didn’t really feel like Tim Drake or Robin. He just felt like a lost boy, doing what he believed needed to be done. The fact that it all worked out in the end wasn’t something that he really considered until much…much later.
By comparison, the last time he put on the Robin suit, the costume was definitely his, and it barely even resembled the first version of the suit. In that moment, he had never felt more like himself. He truly believed he had finally found his place and knew who he was as both Tim Drake and Robin. He’s still not entirely sure that everything worked out, but he survived, so he guesses that counts.
If anyone had told Tim that day that it would be the last time he wore the Robin suit, he would have scoffed and told them that they didn’t know what they were talking about. Although, now that he thinks about it, if someone had told him when he was a child that he would one day be Robin, he probably would have said something similar. It makes sense that he was just as ill prepared for his first time as he was for his last.
The first time that he was kidnapped he didn’t fight back, because Tim Drake isn’t supposed to know how to fight. The last time that he was kidnapped, it didn’t matter if Tim Drake was supposed to know how to fight or not, because he wasn’t Tim Drake at the time. It only now occurs to him, however, how often those kinds of situations happen to him. Case in point, being his current situation.
The first time that he started to see his life as a split between Tim Drake and someone else was when he was Robin, and he always knew who he preferred to be. Now, he’s Tim Drake Wayne and Red Robin, and he has no idea who he prefers to be. At this point, Tim isn’t entirely sure that he prefers either of them. Still, he works well as both and he knows the importance of both personas.
The first time that Tim put on the Red Robin suit, it wasn’t really his choice. He felt it was a necessary evil and the only option that he had at the time. The last time that he put it on, it was absolutely his choice and he certainly had other options. Still, when Tim became Red Robin, he had no way of knowing that it would be the first of many nights wearing the cowl, just as he didn’t know that today would be the last. Tim thinks it’s fitting that he’s just as equally unprepared for his Red Robin days to end as he was when Robin was taken from him.
Now that Tim thinks about it, he figures he’s had a damn good run as both Robin and Red Robin. The first time he wore both masks, it didn’t feel right, but he eventually got used to both. He made both personas his and his alone. Now, that he’s currently faced with the last time that he’s going to be able to wear any masks he can see how important both were to him and the people around him.
Tim inhales a sharp breath. He doesn’t want to die, but he’s come to terms with the fact that no one is going to find him this time, and he’s too injured to escape himself. Still, he did what he set out to do, and saved as many people as he could possibly save. As he closes his eyes for the last time, Tim thinks of all his firsts and lasts times for everything, and smiles. He did his best and he’s damn proud of himself, even if no one else is.
The End