Heh, messed up Tim's are so much fun to write. Of course, so are messed up Jason's. *grin* Hope everyone enjoys the new story!
Title: Everywhere We Go:
me_ya_riFandom: DCU
Pairing: Jason/Tim
Rating: PG-13 at most
Disclaimer: Not mine, never will be mine. Just playing with the characters.
Warning / Themes: Nothing much. A lot of swearing, some major insecurities and neurosis, one non-fatal, non-serious wound but that's about it. Oh, and some terrified police officers. ;)
Word Count: Approx 2240 words
EWG Prompt: Angst/Romance, do you really love me?, Hooker!Tim & his Jason - saavikam
Previous Series: The previous series starts here:
Left Behind But Not For Long, and is followed by
Out Of The Fire, and then by
Everything I Do. All series are fully linked all the way through.
Previous Parts:
Giving Thanks |
Teasing |
Patrol |
Salvation |
Jason |
Worry |
Fear |
Christmas Decorations |
Laundry Day |
Lost |
War |
Regret |
Deception |
Autobots Ho! |
Shift |
Little |
Return |
Memory |
Acceptance |
History |
Reversion |
Quiet Time |
Forever |
Vacation |
Rehearsal |
Parenting |
FluffySummary: Questions about love have no place on patrol but that doesn't stop Blackwing for asking Nightbird about it. Fortunately events occur that allow Jason to postpone answering until a better point in time.
Feedback: Comments (even if it’s just that you read) are much loved and concrit is much appreciated!
This was posted to my DW. To read on LJ please go