I never, ever wanted to be male. I remember when I was very young, maybe four years old, there was a news story on tv where some study had shown that something like 60% of girls surveyed said they wished they were boys. It blew my mind, and I can remember asking my Mom, "Why? Why would anyone want to be a boy?"
I like being soft and feminine, even while I know I can be aggressive, tough and dangerous, too. I like dressing up (though I wouldn't want to have to do it every day), I like jewelry (esp my rings), I like the fun, whimsical things girls can get away with so much better than guys can, I love that I can hug a friend or kiss her on the cheek and nobody questions if it "means something", that there aren't a lot of rules in general about how I behave with members of my own gender, and yes, even that sometimes I can giggle and bat my eyelashes and someone will go out of his way to help me with something.
I don't recall what class it was, but I vaguely remember reading an article about the various euphemisms for intercourse, and how they are gender biased because of our male dominated society. The author pointed out that rather than looking at it as a man penetrating a woman (and all the euphemisms like "he screwed her" or "he nailed her" or even sillier things like "stabbed her with his sword"), we could just as easily view it as a woman engulfing the part of the male anatomy that men generally most treasure. Instead of something like, "Yeah, he tore that shit up!" we could just as easily say something like, "Yeah, she totally swallowed that boy whole!" To further support this, there is evidence since ancient times that some men have had nightmarish fantasies about "teeth vaginas", a vagina that mutilated or even ate a man's genitals if he tried to enter it.
Heck, if you look at Lord of the Rings from a Freudian perspective it is arguably all about a man's masculinity and even identity being consumed by a woman if he dares be involved with one.
As for the less pleasant womanly functions, I'll take those any day over an embarrassing erection at the wrong moment. :o) Also, just as an FYI, I haven't had to buy feminine protection products since I went on Depo Provera. I'd recommend it in a heartbeat.
Not saying any of your thoughts/opinions were wrong, of course, but that's my two cents on the subject. :o)
oh, i do love to dress up (though not all the time) and have fun and be girly.
i definitely see eye to eye with you on all this stuff. i just was directly answering the inquiry given at the top of the entry as i thought of it.
99% of the time, i'm very glad that i'm female. it's mostly just when something negative happens specifically because i'm female (either because of american social standards or because i have a uterus) that i'll think, "aw, geez, seriously?! why can't i have a penis?"
also, speaking of toothy vaginae, have you ever seent he c-movie "blood diner"? you should. oh, you should. it's SO BAAAD, hahahaha. but includes a goddess thing with a tooth-vagina-looking-thing on her stomach. rockin'.
I like being soft and feminine, even while I know I can be aggressive, tough and dangerous, too. I like dressing up (though I wouldn't want to have to do it every day), I like jewelry (esp my rings), I like the fun, whimsical things girls can get away with so much better than guys can, I love that I can hug a friend or kiss her on the cheek and nobody questions if it "means something", that there aren't a lot of rules in general about how I behave with members of my own gender, and yes, even that sometimes I can giggle and bat my eyelashes and someone will go out of his way to help me with something.
I don't recall what class it was, but I vaguely remember reading an article about the various euphemisms for intercourse, and how they are gender biased because of our male dominated society. The author pointed out that rather than looking at it as a man penetrating a woman (and all the euphemisms like "he screwed her" or "he nailed her" or even sillier things like "stabbed her with his sword"), we could just as easily view it as a woman engulfing the part of the male anatomy that men generally most treasure. Instead of something like, "Yeah, he tore that shit up!" we could just as easily say something like, "Yeah, she totally swallowed that boy whole!" To further support this, there is evidence since ancient times that some men have had nightmarish fantasies about "teeth vaginas", a vagina that mutilated or even ate a man's genitals if he tried to enter it.
Heck, if you look at Lord of the Rings from a Freudian perspective it is arguably all about a man's masculinity and even identity being consumed by a woman if he dares be involved with one.
As for the less pleasant womanly functions, I'll take those any day over an embarrassing erection at the wrong moment. :o) Also, just as an FYI, I haven't had to buy feminine protection products since I went on Depo Provera. I'd recommend it in a heartbeat.
Not saying any of your thoughts/opinions were wrong, of course, but that's my two cents on the subject. :o)
i definitely see eye to eye with you on all this stuff. i just was directly answering the inquiry given at the top of the entry as i thought of it.
99% of the time, i'm very glad that i'm female. it's mostly just when something negative happens specifically because i'm female (either because of american social standards or because i have a uterus) that i'll think, "aw, geez, seriously?! why can't i have a penis?"
also, speaking of toothy vaginae, have you ever seent he c-movie "blood diner"? you should. oh, you should. it's SO BAAAD, hahahaha. but includes a goddess thing with a tooth-vagina-looking-thing on her stomach. rockin'.
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