Jun 07, 2008 22:22
well, i'm hoping maybe i can make an art post tomorrow since i'm at my mom's and she has a scanner that actually works.
i've been working at Blick Art Supplies for a week now, and it's going fine, but it's still retail, so i'm not especially enthusiastic about the whole thing. although, they are going to have a table at Wizard World Chicago (which i want to go to) and said they'd send me there - for free!! - to help manage the table. woot!
because i'm still adjusting to working and all that and my schedule is all kinds of fucked, i've sort of turned into a hermit the last couple of weeks.
Shayla: no, i didn't get a new best friend. in fact, i haven't been seeing much of anyone. and i'm sorry i keep missing your calls - i totally suck. i love you dearly and hope i get to talk to you soon. i wrote down that you'll be in town july 10th, and when i work monday i'll request time off that week :)
in other news, i really really miss my friends in minneapolis, but i usually think of them when i'm either at work or can't sleep, and neither is the right time to actually, you know, *call them*. i'd really like to, and i'm hoping i can arrange a long weekend visit or two this summer to catch up with everyone.
also, despite my lack of art posts, i have been reading lots of fic, and have been trying to remember to leave comment on everything i read so you guys know i haven't forgotten about you! i'm quite sad i didn't really have anything for the WF awards - next year i suppose. le sigh.
i hope you're all well, and i'm crossing my fingers i'll be able to make an art post (if a small one) by tomorrow. though i have been drawing more firefly stuff than batman lately...guess my brain just needed to shift gears for a bit.
love and hugs to everyone,