Dec 25, 2010 13:29
This computer is ancient. It’s a Mac, so it’s still alive, but barely. It’s my mom’s old iBook with OS 9.2 and it can’t even open facebook. It got me on the LJ homepage but I couldn’t log in. It has iMovie, which is kind of spectacular, but it’ll probably be even more of a pain than my Windows Movie Maker on my Desktop PC.I was kind of hoping it might have a webcam in it, but then again that would be like hoping for an iPod in the Middle Ages, I suppose. I could attach my own webcam to it, but it would probably not be able to process that.
So when I’m rich and famous, I’ll get myself a MacBook. Like a modern one.
Right now I’m typing on this “analog” computer and even Word is a pain. If you’re reading this, I SOMEHOW got it up on LJ, heaven knows how.
Also, I watched Inception for the first time a few days ago. I know, what is wrong with me, right? I haven’t seen TRON yet either. Nor Eclipse, but that’s just self-preservation.
Anyways, back to Inception. It’s funny how everybody I’ve talked to is like “It’s so confusing I didn’t even understand after watching it like three times”. Meanwhile, I’m sitting there thinking, “Oh, I get it!”
It was pretty great, though. The special effects were cool, but not showy, which is a nice change. It wasn’t over the top, allowing the story to come through well, unlike Avatar, which, let’s face it; you didn’t want to watch at home on 2D DVD.
In fact, my dad and I watched it on his new TV, which he got for free from his neighbors. It was actually really good, although I still regret not seeing it in the movie theatre.
OK, this computer is giving me a headache with its ancient rusticness. So MAYBE you’ll read this someday. By the way, it’s 1 pm on xmas day as I’m typing this.
i have issues,