Apologies for being gone so long. Again! >.< I will try to do better! ^.^ In the meantime, let's catch up, shall we?
1.Current challenge. We still have our
Challenge #10- Happy Holidays going! And the deadline has been extended until Wednesday, June 15! That's in two and a half weeks, folks. More than enough time to get your fic/art/icons/anything in! And in case you've posted something already, more is always welcome! ^_^
2.Next challenge. Please click on one, two, or more and let us know what you would like to see in the future!
Poll Next Batcat Challenge Poll idea came from
here. Thanks, hope you don't mind! ^^;
3.TDKR. The
first picture of Bane from The Dark Knight Rises was released a few days ago. Speculation has already begun that a picture of Catwoman can't be far behind. If any of you uncover one, share with us! ^_^
4.Comics. If anyone follows DC Comics closely and would like to post a review regarding any issue featuring Bruce/Selina, please do so! Something like
this or
this here would be perfect!
dumblydore and
chipsnopotatoes don't mean to put you on the spot! ^_~
This way, we all know what's worth picking up! Remember this comm is for all of us BatCat shippers and the more Batman/Catwoman (or Bruce/Selina) we have, the happier we are, right? ^_~
Thank you,
comixbookgurl! ^^