(no subject)

Apr 07, 2010 21:41

Here's what's new and awesome:

*After almost a full year without a contract, we finally have one! We were in a deadlock, and had to call in a neutral party in a process called Fact-Finding, which is pretty complicated, but they look at what both sides want, what comparable local districts have, and make recommendations. The board voted to accept it Monday night, and we voted to accept on Tuesday. I will now get a slight pay raise, and it will be retroactive for this year since we were working on the expired contract all year up until now. Yeah!

*Easter was fun. We went on the Titanic exhibit at the Whitaker Center and could see all the artifacts that someone took from the site. It was all right...there are only so many bowls and pots and pans you can look at before you feel like you've seen them all. The part that I liked best was how my ticket had the name of a passenger on it, and her whole back story. Then at the end, you find out if your person lived or died. I lived! The recreations of the staterooms were pretty cool though, so it was worth it.

*I am finishing up week six on the Couch to 5k program. I can now run two miles without stopping! I'm really super slow, but I couldn't do this two months ago. I also made a personal record today when I ran a 10 minute mile. I don't think I ever ran the mile that fast even in elementary school when they made us do those presidential fitness tests. So, I am obviously more fit than I was, but I am seeing no physical benefit. If anything, my gut has gotten bigger. I am perplexed by this, but I am choosing to believe that it means I am some sort of medical miracle, and not that I drink too much beer.
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