App for hometrail

May 11, 2010 21:42

character info.
character name: Stephanie Brown
canon & medium: DC Comics
age & species: ~19, human
appearance: It's not purple, it's eggplant! EGGPLANT!
previous rpg memories: N/A
timeline: Batgirl (Steph's series) #9
background/history link: There is a Spoiler on this page

For Stephanie Brown, being a superhero has never been easy. She's not the smartest hero in Gotham, or the strongest, or the best-trained. She has no fortune to fund her fight against crime. For a long time, her costume was just something she whipped up herself that offered little to no protection. All the other heroes told her that she would just hurt herself and others, and that she should quit. But she didn't, even when things got really, really bad.

Steph's most defining character trait is her perseverance. Even though none of the other heroes in Gotham thought that she could make it as a hero, she continued to fight and struggle and become better. Her stubbornness didn't come without a price, however, and eventually lead to her brutal torture at the hands of Black Mask, where she endured wounds so severe that she was thought dead. However, even this didn't stop her, and after a brief hiatus, she returned to Gotham to reprise her role as the Spoiler. And her perseverance eventually pays off, as her best friend Cassandra Cain entrusts her legacy as Batgirl to her, and the first Batgirl, Barbara Gordon, becomes her mentor. Nothing is capable of keeping Steph down for long, even when all the odds are against her and no one believes in her. She absolutely refuses to give up, and won't back down from even the toughest challenges and most heartbreaking setbacks.

She longs for the respect and approval of the heroes around her, particularly Batman. This leads her to often be reckless and overestimate her abilities, which ironically is what the other heroes disapprove of the most. She wants to prove that she can be a hero, even without years and years of training or a fortune or a super-genius intellect. Her efforts often meet with limited success, but she continues trying anyway.

Despite her somewhat less-than-stellar superhero career and feelings of self-doubt that go along with numerous failures, she maintains an upbeat attitude. She is pleasant and friendly, and even in the heat of battle tries to insert her own humorous wit. Some would say that she talks too much, but she prefers to think that she's just very outgoing. Steph's mouth can sometimes move faster than her brain, leading to awkward situations.

Steph can be quite flirtatious. When she met Tim Drake (who she only knew as Robin at the time), she soon took a romantic interest in him and pursued it, even though he did not return her feelings at first. She is not afraid to make the first move in a relationship, and almost certainly will. She can be somewhat shallow in her relationships and base them on the attractiveness of a potential boyfriend, but will ultimately gravitate toward more meaningful relationships.

While Steph is often the most lighthearted member of the Bat Family, she can slip into a darker place when in the heat of battle or when presented with certain scenarios that push her too far. Her inconsistent training means that she is not as good at pulling her punches as other crimefighters. If an ally is in trouble, she can often respond too forcefully and do more damage than intended to her opponents. She has little tolerance for child endangerment due to being a mother herself (though she gave her child up for adoption), and her response when presented with such a situation will be swift and brutal.

Steph is very athletic, possessing superior strength, speed, and agility to most girls her age. She is a gifted gymnast, and has some skill in the martial arts thanks to being trained by Batman and Cassandra Cain, two of the greatest martial artists in the world. While she would not be considered a martial arts master, she is proficient enough to fight groups of untrained criminals with little trouble.

any plans for your character here?
No matter where Steph goes, she can't escape from being a costumed crimefighter. Even though she'll no longer be in Gotham, she'll continue to be Batgirl and try to protect the weak, probably with even more limited success than usual without Oracle to guide her. But she'll keep trying, and that's the fun!

-Her batsuit, an insulated, Kevlar suit of armor.
-Utility belt, complete with batarangs, grappling hook, and smoke bombs.
-A small, extendible metal baton.

sample journal entry:
Uh... huh. Is this some kind of illusion created by the Mad Hatter? The whole 'drug-induced fairy tale land' is kind of his thing. I'm not sure Gotham even has this many colors. And I'm kinda expecting Hobbits to pop out of the ground and start singing a jaunty tune any minute now.

If any other superheroes are stuck here in Narnia with me, this is Batgirl, ready and willing to get the hell out of here! Hey, now that I know that this is just a dream, isn't it supposed to crash down around me right about now? Or I wake up? Or I'm supposed to fight my evil twin? Isn't that how these things work?

Way to go, Steph. You're on the job for a couple weeks and you already managed to get hit by fear gas and creepy Alice in Wonderland mind control. Bet this stuff never happened to Cass.

third-person sample:
Steph was starting to get used to the roller coaster ride that was her time as Batgirl thus far. Things always looked really, really bad before they started getting better. And considering that a man had died because she wasn't strong enough the night before, she was pretty sure that she was due for something good to happen. Or at least a waffle dinner courtesy of Barbara.

So it came as a bit of a shock when she woke up the next morning with her bed replaced by a grassy hill and a picturesque fantasy world sprawled out before her. She rubbed her eyes and squinted at her surroundings, unsure whether she was awake or dreaming. Though her dreams were usually about going to school in her costume or being late for a big exam because Two-Face stole her no. 2 pencil, and not so much about waking up in Middle-Earth.

As she climbed to her feet, she realized that she was clad in her Batgirl costume. "Oookay," she muttered, glancing around and preparing for Tim, Dick, and Damian to jump out and shout 'April Fools!' at any moment. The only problem with that theory was that Tim was just now starting to warm back up to her, Dick was doing his best humorless Batman impression, and the little creep of a Robin was more likely to try and stab her than play a prank. Actually, that probably would be his idea of a prank. Oh, and it wasn't April. "Starting to get a little freaked out here."

Steph began to wander down the hill, looking for any signs of civilization. The air didn't smell bad enough to be near Gotham. "Hey O, you there?" she asked, tapping the side of her mask. Nothing. Not even static. Apparently, she'd really fallen down the rabbit hole this time.

She placed her hands on her hips and let out a frustrated sigh. "And not even a waffle in sight."
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