Sep 14, 2006 08:04
Soooo basically my teacher at school called me up a few days ago and reffered me to a teaching opportunity at Mount Royal that due to unfortunate circumstances, had opened up 4 days before the class begins. It is an acrylic painting for beginners class... I won't say any more about it until I tell you that I did not get the job.
BUT I can't tell you how effing relieved I am. It would be a totally amazing opportunity and a really good experience, and it would look amazing on a resume, but it also was an enormous responsibilty. Also, there are a LOT of things about teaching that I've never really thought about, things that come only with experience.
Yesterday, while waiting for the call, i was so nervous that I WOULD get the job. I honestly don't have a lot of time to put together classes and read up on acrylics, especially since this semester is sort of THE semester... we have our final jury, and we write our huge paper on our practice.
The most painful part of not getting the job is that it pays THIRTY FIVE DOLLARS AN HOUR. Seriously. That is a lot.
Ah well, the time was not right... The interview went super well, and the interviewer was so nice and it was basically a really nice experience. The job went to someone with many years of teaching experience, so they totally found someone who will do a great job and wont be totally lost or terrified.
ANYWHO, that's basically all.Thanks for the well wishes, although they didn't get me the job, they did maybe help NOT get me the job, which is probably better in the end.