Survey...because I'm bored.

Jun 21, 2007 02:09

Start off by picking your 10 fave recording artists without looking at the questions under the cut. 
(no order, just 10 of my favourites)

1. Björk
2. Goldfrapp
3. PJ Harvey
4. MU
5. M.I.A.
6. Moloko
7. Planningtorock
8. CocoRosie
9. The Kills
10. Bunny Rabbit

Q. What was the first song you ever heard by #2?
A. "Train", which somehow found its way to my computer. Was gonna delete it but first wanted to know what the hell it was.... yep. that was a good choice.

Q: What is your favourite album of #6?
A. Ouch. favourites...hate that. But the one I seem to going back to is their first one - "Do you like my tight sweater?".  Flawless crazyness.

Q: What is your favourite Lyric of #7?
A. Pretty much all the lyrics to the closing track of "have it all" - "when are you gonna start". Especially the way she sings it. "I haaaveee a funny sensation, ruuunning through my veins to my heart. And I. Believe. That you are too blaaame. I think it's you. that made it staaaart."

Q: What is your favourite song by #9?
A. Pft. favourites! Been having "cat claw" on repeat lately though. funnily enough, I used this lyric in one of my own tracks before I even listened to the kills.

Q: Is there a song of #1 that makes you sad?
A. Yes. "Pneumonia" does that very well.

Q: What is your favourite song by #8?
A. Well one of them is "South 2nd". Favourite songs is a stupid concept. This is a wonderful track that would match the previous question pretty much aswell. I love the imagery this song evokes.

Q: What is your favourite song by #10?
A. Creativity in this poll, please! The track that made me hooked on Bunny Rabbit (her album is incredibly underrated, check it out) was "Rio Grande" but the whole album is pretty much awesome.

Q: What is your favourite album by #8?
A. Tough one. Can't decide really...

Q: How did you get into #5?
A. I saw "galang" on tv and actually laughed at it because I thought it was dreaful. Saw it a second time, still laughing. Third time.... this is when I exclamated "this is actually good...." and went out and bought the album.

Q: What is your favourite song by #4?
A. A favourite MU track? are you joking? They're all too awesome. I'll pick "Haters" for the sake of this poll, then.

Q: Who is your favourite band member of #1?
A. Bjerk. there's none other in the band. Or is there?

Q: What is a good memory concerning #4?
A. A video (which is now gone) which I found. She was playing "let's get sick" at some small club. The quality was awful and was filmed from behind the stage but it was perfect. She was jumping around, doing somersaults, screaming, running... it was mad. please let me watch her live before I die.

Q: What does #9 remind you of?
A. Filthy guitars.

Q: Is there a song by #3 that makes you sad?
A. "The Garden" is painfully beautiful

Q: What is your favourite song of #1?
A. BLANK. However my name is Batabid on LJ, so props to that song since it hasn't gotten much attention.

Q: How did you become a fan of #7?
A. I actually don't remember. I heard of her somewhere and took a wild bet and bought her album. Very very very very very good idea, that was.

Q. What do you like to do while listening to #6?
A. Dance around!

Q. Which of the 10 has influenced you the most?
A. In my own music, I don't know really. I can't say any of them are direct influences. When it comes to broadening my musical horizons, it's defientaly björk. she developed my music taste to more than "what is on the radio".

Q. Which artist makes you the most happy?

Q. Which artist makes you the most sad?
A. None of them really makes me sad...but PJ has some pretty melancholic stuff. like "Is this desire?".

Q. Which artist makes the best dance music?
A. MU definetaly, some of her music seems to be aimed towards dancing (not to the average clubber though).

Q. Which artist have you liked the longest?
A. Björk.

Q. Which artist have you liked the shortest?
A. Bunny Rabbit.

Q. Are there any artists you will still be listening to in 20 years?
A. I wouldn't know.

Q. What are you listening to now?
A. PJ Harvey - Joy

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