KB rather does not like how this year is starting out...

Jan 22, 2009 12:31

Don't get me wrong--I've had some good times, and my parents celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary, and I'm stoked we have a new president. (A little concerned that there's this sudden influx on publicly broadcast prayer, tho...)

But last night could have been way better. Went to Scubed, which was super-crowded but amusing. I got to see my honey briefly before he had to go to the Stellarcon meeting. Misha invited me to get sushi with her, so I sent Davey a text message telling him where I was going and asking him to call when he got done with his meeting. I had a yummy snack, but I didn't get to say goodnight. As far as I can tell, wires were crossed, phones were being evil, etc. It was a bummer.

So I dropped Steve and Misha off at their place, and after I have a cup of coffee, I get on the road. As soon as I make it to Wendover, my engine light starts blinking, and my car shakes like I do when I've had too much coffee. Not knowing what else to do, I pulled over. I called Steve and Misha, as they were the closest, to try and figure out what was wrong, as my knowledge of cars is quite limited. Steve drove me to the gas station to pick up some motor oil, as when we checked my dipstick, it was pretty much dry. Yay. I was hoping that would be the end of it. No dice. I thought eventually that Rincewind would stop jiggling and run right, but when I pushed him above 50 mph, he shook even more like Too-Much-Coffee-KB and--I thought--threatened to stop running entirely. I tried pulling over at Level Cross, but found no gas station. So I got back on the road.

I drove my jiggling car to Randleman, and pulled in where I thought I could stop at a gas station and get some more oil (at Steve's insistence). The gas station was closed. Auto Zone was closed. I pulled my car into the super-Wal-Mart and call Steve and Misha again. They begin an intrepid quest to find me, while I made an intrepid quest to find something to do while I waited. I wandered the aisles, looking for oil, looking at toys, home dec, and trashy romances. ("I could write that--easily!" I thought.) Steve got AAA on the phone and he and Misha waited in the parking lot with me for them to arrive. We ended up sitting in his car until about 4 am waiting for the tow truck. Steve read aloud from Dead Until Dark, which was kind of funny in a why-God-why sort of way.

My savior was a man named Chris in a big red truck who'd driven all the way from Robbins to help me. I was freezing my toes off waiting for him to strap Rincewind to the back of his truck. He and I chatted while he drove me down to my parents' house. Seemed nice enough, but he flirted with me in a way that made me feel uncomfortable. When he introduced himself, he said he didn't bite unless I wanted him to, just kidding. My discomfort level jumped the shark when we passed an inn that was a landmark to find my house. "Let's get a room there, just kidding." Why is it that people think saying "just kidding" just erases what they've just said? That was just--geh. I was too tired to assert my personhood--I just wanted to go home. I got home around 4:30, and after he had me sign a form, he asked me for my number, just kidding, and then told me to go inside and get my feet warm. I grabbed a quick shower, put on my work clothes (I had work at 9!), and fell into bed.

I had trouble sleeping. I woke up almost an hour before my alarm with the mother of all nauseous tummy aches (bad sushi?). I was crying and dry-heaving in the sink. Dad called work and told them I wasn't coming in. He's taken care of my car--turns out there was a spark plug misfiring or something. So I'm staying in to do homework and pack for this weekend. Hopefully I can spend more time with Davey today, and hopefully my dapper boy won't fret too much in my absence.

As a sidenote, Mr. Nansi is still paralyzingly cute. He's been chasing the arrow across the screen when I move my mouse. I could do without the kitty-yoga-and-butt-licking on my mousepad, tho, but even that's cute.

I'm feeling much better now, so I think I'll grab some breakfast. Will keep you posted. Ja ne.
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