just a few things

Dec 13, 2008 22:52

Plastic poinsettias look much fuller from a top shelf way above my head.

Grooming dogs, even little ones, is fucking expensive. To treat my mom to something I know she wants, I got a gift certificate to get both her dogs cleaned and groomed professionally. Total cost: 84 bucks. Ouch.

My super-secret Christmas projects are under waaaaaay! But since I'm poor, I may have to wait until after Christmas to gift some people.

I got an A in my first grad school class! *SQUEE!*

I am a grinch lite: I like Christmas, but I hate the music. If I have to hear Josh Groban or Mariah Carey one more time, I may sharpen a pencil and shove it in my ear.

There are some perks to working at a craft store--double discount days are always around big sales. I've making like a bandit with my craft stuff.

Sometimes I think Kat and I should go into business making our own beauty products instead of trying to sell Mary Kay. Goat's milk soap is the shiznit.

I finished reading Twilight after I saw the movie. Edward's perpetually surprised expression made me think of Holly's cat, Fletcher. I've also finished reading (listening, rather) to Stargirl. I still have a few books I want to read before the year is out.

I've submitted my first three chapters of Fishboy for Davey's reading. The chapters are much shorter than what I'm used to, as they're written in a true YA formula, but I think they're okay for a first draft. Anyone else want to read, just post a comment.

For my last post, that was a dream I had while I was sleeping, though it could be fun to implement in real life. I'm guessing my brain was thinking of the movie Space Mutiny at the time and super-imposed a bunch of other stuff.

Banshees exist, and they like to shop at Jo Ann's.
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