question meme from Margaret--the big five

Nov 30, 2008 01:07

You know the drill. Leave a comment, you get five questions to post and answer in your LJ.

1. Faerie artist you find most aesthetically pleasing?
The artist or the pictures? Lawls...I'd have to say Nene Thomas. Amy Brown has pretty and cute pictures of faeries, but Nene's are absolutely breath-taking. One of her pictures is on my favorite perfume, Queen of Owls.
2. One book you would make potential offspring read no matter how much they might whine about it?
Little Women. The girls worry about silly things like matching gloves and pickled limes, but the dynamic of family and the love that links them all together through happy and sad times is something I think every kid should be exposed to. One that's just for fun, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
3. What is the last thing you laughed out loud at?
the antics of my sassy drag-queen co-worker, Chauncey
4. If you could have someone make one LJ icon for you, what would be on it?
I would want it to be of a picture of the heroine of my book Shadebloom, Ivy Lee/Yvehliana. It would be a close-up of her face, looking incredulous/annoyed, and in stylized purple letters, it would just say, Bitch, please.
5. Favorite Madeleine L'Engle book? Since you brought up Proginoskes... X3
Actually, the only one I read was A Wind in the Door. I picked it up because I read American Girl magazine, and that was one of the summer reading books they recommended. I had a little trouble getting into it, but it wasn't a bad read.
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