so it dawned on me today after going thro google immages and doing a search on Matapouri bay (its in Northland - the region not the suburb)
that i am home sick.. well i miss matapouri bay...its the first time i have felt like this. its a weird depressing feeling that i cant seem to shake. (like different to my normal depressing feeling)
its kinda annoying that i miss that place so much... its like a MILLION miles away! well almost.
my other depression is getting a hold of me and im really not enjoying it.. i keep doing stupid things that i cant make better. and i have been taking things out on
keptinacan a little bit which i know i shouldnt do.
the ms thing is annoying in the fact that i will have an issue with it and that will stress me which will make the issue worse or bring about another issue all together.. either way it makes for a not happy Marla.
i guess ill pull thro this liek i always do but i might not be quite as happy or content when i do..
or i could just go on a road trip to Matapouri bay
its soo pretty this time of year.......
so much of my childhood was spent there.. thats where i learnt to ride a horse for the first time.. and where i fell off so many of them. and i havent been back there in 10 odd years.
one day i will return. that i promise.