Jun 14, 2011 17:12
I'm currently seeing a psychiatrist relating to my social imparement, due to largely my Aspergers, she has recommended that I ask questions that the possible answers off which give me the most anxiety. Mostly my anxiety comes from not wanting to hurt anyone unintentionally due to my poor body language interpretation and my lack of noticing sarcasm, signal and subtlety. The other anxiety is feeling burdened by a relationship, feeling obligated to a person, due to I imagine the fact that I've been my mothers carer since I was 4-5 years old, and the trapped feeling that gives me, not wanting to have that recreated.
So if you guys don't mind answering some questions, I don't know how hard they will be as I imagine some of this stuff is probably instinctual for you and hard to explain. But if you could give it a go?
How would you feel if someone you didn't know started talking to you? (for instance, in a queue, sitting next to you in a doctors office, etc)
Would you be offended if you recognised then walking down the street and they just ignored you?
At what point does a stranger who you have spoken to at least once become an acquaintance?
How would you know if an acquaintance wanted to become a friend, assuming they weren't being direct ?
Apart from being direct, how are some of the ways a person lets you know they just wanted to be an acquaintance?
If your friend had told you that they don't want to go out, they feel like spending some time on their own?
Do any of you feel anxious about talking to people/making friends/etc, and how do you deal with that if so?
Any or all questions you can answer, I'd be very grateful.
Anyway thanks, I apologise for not being around much, the sad fact is I don't have a big life, between caring for my health and my mums, most of the time I just tend to spend my time destressing by watching tv and going on the internet, and given how much it tstresses me by that time I don''t have the energy to interact. I have been going to english and maths class and just that little bit is helping, so maybe intime I may get back into socialising more, posting more or at least acknowledging that I've read your posts. I am still out here and I am reading if not commenting.