I'm still on the fence when it comes to the new series of DW, but after seeing the clip on Jonathon Ross last night and having time to let it sit in my head, I am leaning a bit more to liking it. So worse case I just watch it as a shallow thing, and try to ignore my concerns about SM's writing. Still think that Matt Smiths over the top and a bit off in his acting, but then I thought the same of David Tennant when I first saw him. (In my defense I saw New Earth without knowing anything about Doctor Who and knowing that the series was so cracky.)
Did like the first Doctor reference.
Watched The Vampire Diaries, I just love how open and honest everyone is. They actually (shock! Horror!) talk to each other about things they have learned that involve the people they are talking about. The only secrets are kept by those who are bad (well not bad, but not good either) or are crucial in protecting others survival. And I actually find myself not disliking any character. I very rarely like every character in series, but all off the characters are so well rounded and have actually issues and discussions about said issues. It' s not the most intellectual series in the world, but character wise I'm very impressed with it.
In real life news, I got a letter saying that I'm on a sixteen week waiting list for an appointment to get diagnosed! Both me and my mum have to fill out questionaires about me, which makes me a little nervous, but still, very good news.