Mar 17, 2010 18:29
I've got a interview with the employment support people on the 24th, so that's good. I might be able to get a job where I don't have to interact with people. It will be voluntary, but it's a start so fingers crossed.
I have my Kidney appointment the day after, hopefully that'll go well considering how concerned they sounded in my last letter.
My WII Fit says I've lost 2 pounds since monday, I'm sceptical but not going to argue with it, LOL! I've been hula hooping, and boxing on it, along with riding a mile and a half on our exercise bike, but only sporatically not regularly. Tomorrow I'm going to try walking. I haven't decided yet how much, but it will probably be a mile and half. I have to go out to do errands, and I've been putting them off, partly due to procrastination and the rest to do with my phobia, but I really need to bid on new places.
I had a Doctor Who dream last night. I dreamt that the BBC commissioned a series about Ten2 and Rose. It was really detailed as well! Anthony Stewart Head started as Rose's deep throat like contact who was more than he seemed. and Admiral Cain from BSG was a high up in Torchwood who was suspicious of the Doctor and secretly was running her own faction within Torchwood. I was really disappointed when I woke up and found it wasn't true! It's a pity I can't write fanfiction because I really want to know what happens now, LOL!
doctor who,
kidney issues,
social phobia,