Spent the day at my dads helping him set up Skype and the equipment he'll need for it. Watched a couple of Gavin and Stacy's while I was there. Sure as anything 10 minutes in I was thinking and talking in a Welsh accent (I'm still doing it now! This whole post, I'm hearing it in a welsh accent while I'm typing it!) It always happens, everytime I watch something where the predominately main characters speak with an accent I end up unconsciously mimicing it! I'm terrified that I'll meet someone with an accent, get talking to them and have them think that I'm mocking them!
Weight wise according to my dad's scales I put on a pound. But I'm going to live in the land of make believe and not let it get me down by pretending that I've only put on weight because of the muscle that I've built by all the exercising I've done. (Plus it's a bathroom scale, not the most reliable!)
Finally got round to seeing The Face of The Enemy Webisodes.
I wish I had known about them when I was actually watching BSG, they would have made the whole Gaeta thing make so much more sense. Not that I didn't sort of understand why he was doing it, I just put it down to the whole Baltar and losing a leg, although I was suprised at how angry he was. Now I understand completely! Those Eight sure breed some bad models, makes me actually surprised that more of the eights didn't side with Cavil when it came to the vote! So far that two Eights that haven't seem all right in the head, New Caprica Eight, and Boomer (although I'm more forgiving of Boomer since we've seen what happened to her to drive her to all that she did).
I was a bit worried that Gaeta's boyfriend (Lewis?) would end up getting killed, then I remembered we see him later on. I felt sorry for Tigh, he was being so sympathetic to Gaeta, and for him that's saying something! But like I said, it's no wonder Gaeta did what he did, I can't say that given what happened to him I wouldn't have cracked and done the same. I feel really sad for him now knowing what happened to him. They really needed a mandatory psychiatrist on board BSG, then again even they can't help everyone.
Meme snagged from
weird_fin She gave me the letter S (The letter I was hoping for! Yay!)
Comment to this entry and I'll give you a letter. List ten things that you love that begin with that letter and then post that list on your journal.
(If you want to do it say, if you don't, I don't mind!)
1. Snow- I love snow, it immediately lifts my mood, and it affects everyone elses. I posted about this before, but when it snows everyone is more careful, they look out for each other. Plus there's nothing like seeing a 40 year old bloke sleding down the road, that you know has called in for a sickie!
2. Skating- Ice or roller, I love it. Mainly because I didn't have very good balance due to constant ear infections as a child, so it took me so long to learn to skate, but when I did it became like riding a bicycle. Years after I learnt to roller skate I went to an ice rink for my first time and I automatically knew how to Ice skate, and that was such an esteem boost for me.
3. Sex!!- LOL, that had to be in there! Only theoretically I'm afraid. Still have me V card, but I 'm all for the idea of it!
4. Seaside- I love the beach. I don't always get on with my dad, but some of the best memories I have are of him taking me to the seaside as a child.
5. Spirograph- I used to play this for ages as a child and just recently got one for Xmas. I think it's because of the order it gives my head, creating beautiful patterns.
6. Superman- I've loved Superman since I was a child, there's something safe and heroic about him that none of the other Superheros have, and who wouldn't want to be loved the way he loves Lois Lane?
7. Sci-fi- I've loved science fiction since I was old enough to watch something other than kid shows, the first science fiction show I ever watched was Star Trek, which leads me to....
8. Star Trek- I've watched them all, bar Enterprise, (I've watch an episode here and there but that's it) I like the idealness of it, that we might somehow find some sort of peace with each other and finally reach for the stars together.
9. Storys -what person doesn't love a good story?
10. Stars - I love the stars, some people look at them and feel small and insignificant. Maybe it's because I believe in God, but when I look up I feel anything but. I think to myself that he made each one of them for a reason and so am able to believe that even though I don't know what it is he made me for a reason.
Plus on a shallow side, there really pretty!
I'm going to go watch Caprica now. I don't want to spam my flist, so I'll probably post about it tomorrow!