Comment on this post. I will choose seven interests from your profile and you will explain what they mean and why you are interested in them. Post this along with your answers in your own journal so that others can play along.
16s16 gave me these:
Donna Noble:
Donna is my favourite companion. She was just what The Doctor needed, and as seen in Turn Left, if she hadn't beeen there for him he would have chosen to not regenerated, and that turned out so well! I love that she's not size zero and supermodel looking. I hate that she didn't regain her memory in The End of Time, but I can always pretend that it eventually happens off screen and she goes on to be completely fantastic without the Doctor.
Gene Genie:
I love Gene, He's one of a long list of Anti-heroes that I love. I know he's not PC but you can sort of understand the way he is, and the way he is, is not down to being a nasty guy, it's the way he see's of controlling the bad guys.
Russell T Davies:
It doesn't hurt that he's such a Joss Whedon fan, but besides that I love the way he writes characters. They are so real, which is why I think some people don't like them, they want to see characters who always say the right thing. But that's not real life, in real life we sometimes say things without thinking them through, not seeing as they come out of our mouth that they might be homophobic or racist. I also love how each companion he's written has been completely different, unique, so not interchangable.
The Cosby Show:
There's something really conforting about watching The Cosby Show, I remember watching it as a kid, and wanting Bill Cosby to be my father, even know when it's on it takes me back to childhood.
I think I must have lived in the north pole in a past life! I cannot get enough snow. Whenever it snows my mood just lifts so much. I love how everyone has to slow down, it's like everyones mind is synced for the brief time the snow is here. It doesn't feel like Winter is truly here until it snows.
I didn't start out liking Bones. I taped it for my mum but though it was just a typical crime drama at first. Then I started to see the relationship between Booth and Brennan, the humour and the tenderness. It doesn't hurt that my personality is similar to Brennan, and I'd love to have a hot FBI agent totally get me and want to be in a relationship with me!
Hurley "hugo" Reyes:
I love Hugo, he's funny and yet not someone you laugh at, as a character. He's storyline is one that intrigues me as much as Locke's. If anything happens to him in the final season I will be so cross!