Jan 03, 2010 15:08
I think I'm feeling post finale blues. I was going to give my thoughts on the episode but I don't think I will now.
I was the same after JE, I just really want to be still and quiet and brood on the whole thing. Maybe I'll post about it in a little while, but I doubt it.
It's not like I didn't like the episode, I did. Just seeing Eleven at the end and the trailer for season five...I miss Ten, and DT and RTD. It just doesn't seem like I'm going to like the new season. I'll give it a try but based on what was shown I feel less sure of liking it, than I did before.
So at the moment my obsession with DW seems to have switched off, leaving me somewhat obsessionless at the moment.
There's Dollhouse but that will be over soon. I guess I'll just have to cross my fingers that Caprica might reignite my interest when it starts.
Anyway, if I'm a bit quiet and don't comment/post for a while, sorry, but now you know why. Hopefully I'll get out of this funk as soon as possible.
doctor who,