Feb 08, 2009 14:29
Not shocked no, there have been quite a few songs that I've got wrong but I've never been shocked, but thenI have hearing problems so it's expected. I did find it funny that for the longest time as a child I thought the christmas carol Jingle Bells went "one HO only sleigh" (and that nobody ever commented on the fact that I sang it like that!) Luckily I was never old enough to comment on why a sleigh would have a HO on it as I didn't know what one was.
My dad though misheard one in a hysterical way. He heard Kate Perry's song "I kissed a girl, I liked it" as "My testicles I can find them!" This was while we were on holiday, and after I corrected him, he still kept singing it his version, by the time we got home I was singing it his version in my head (and dreading that I might actually sing it out loud!)
writer's block