OTP meme: Day 25

Nov 20, 2010 22:38

A pairing you hated and ended up loving?

Colonel Christopher Brandon and Marianne Dashwood, Sense and Sensibility.  Now, don't get me wrong.  I love both Sense and Sensibility and Pride and Prejudice, probably P&P a little more than S&S.  I was originally drawn to S&S because I love Alan Rickman as an actor, there hasn't been a role I've seen him in that I have't been extremely impressed with.  But for some reason when I first saw Christopher and Marianne together in the 1995 version of S&S (the only version I've seen), I really didn't like them together.  I've got this thing about significant age gaps, and perhaps that was part of it.  In fact, I can't really say that was what it was about the couple that I didn't like at first, but as I watched the movie again, I began to realize that I actually was starting to like Christopher and Marianne together.  I love how sweet and devoted he was to her, even though he knew that she wasn't interested in him and was panting over Willoughby for the majority of the movie.  But he stayed patient, and he was there to help heal her heart at the end, and that was really what made me like them over time.  Now I'm definitely a Christopher/Marianne shipper, and I hope I never stop.  :)

marianne/christopher, marianne dashwood, otp meme, sense and sensibility, colonel christopher brandon, christopher/marianne

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